Project 'elixxir/elixxir-dapps-sdk-swift' was moved to 'mobile/ios/elixxir-dapps-sdk-swift'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Update Bindings
Update Bindings.xcframework - client@2deedc73
- go version go1.17.13 darwin/arm64
- Xcode 14.0 Build version 14A309
- gomobile bind target: ios,iossimulator,macos
Remove GroupGetTrackedId
function wrapper -
Update GroupChatJoinGroup
function wrapper -
Add DeserializeGroup
function wrapper
Merge request reports
requested review from @brunomunizaf
assigned to @darrarski.xx
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for ccfd09c4 succeeds
mentioned in commit 75a32400
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