diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index d2b6b8438608e91d811c12635c04fc74a14f39df..420693ad7f08be63076a435c417f7cdac2ec01a8 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ cache:
   REPO_DIR: gitlab.com/elixxir
   REPO_NAME: server
-  DOCKER_IMAGE: elixxirlabs/cuda-go:go1.13-cuda11.1
+  DOCKER_IMAGE: elixxirlabs/cuda-go:go1.16-cuda11.1
   # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/jobs.html#download-a-single-artifact-file-from-specific-tag-or-branch
   REPOS_API: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/elixxir%2F
diff --git a/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client20.txt b/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client20.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b10e4046835de371f6c155d4167bd3efefa75c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client20.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Received 10
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Received 10
diff --git a/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client21.txt b/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client21.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12b9325a98938a9ca969f1321a8fb084bb3283ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basice2e/clients.goldoutput/client21.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Received 10
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Sent: Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Message received: Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption
+Received 10
diff --git a/basice2e/e2eReport.py b/basice2e/e2eReport.py
index 86b530ede06fddfcfd9031d466471db1e3508981..2ff019e44abc78c7cde807a0b8fd3ccde8dbecc7 100644
--- a/basice2e/e2eReport.py
+++ b/basice2e/e2eReport.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# This script is used for building reports on dropped E2E integration tests
-import logging
+# This script is used for building reports on message sending for E2E integration tests
 import re
 import glob
 import os
 import logging as log
+import datetime
+import statistics
 resultsDir = "./results/clients"
@@ -28,19 +28,6 @@ def find_files():
     return glob.glob('{}/client*.log'.format(resultsDir))
-def read_file(path, phrases):
-    """Reads the lines of a file."""
-    while 1:
-        with open(path, 'r') as file:
-            line = file.readline()
-            if not line:
-                break
-            else:
-                for phrase in phrases:
-                    if phrase in line:
-                        yield line
 def main():
     log.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s: %(message)s',
                     level=log.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')
@@ -65,6 +52,15 @@ def main():
                         log.debug("Located sent message: {}".format(sent_message))
                         messages_sent[sent_message] = {"sender": os.path.basename(path)}
+                        # Capture message timestamp
+                        sent_timestamp_str = re.findall('INFO (.{19}\.{0,1}\d{0,6})', line)[0]
+                        try:
+                            sent_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(sent_timestamp_str, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+                        except ValueError:
+                            sent_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(sent_timestamp_str, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+                        log.debug("Located sent timestamp: {}".format(sent_timestamp))
+                        messages_sent[sent_message]["sent"] = sent_timestamp
                         # Capture rounds messages were sent in
                         sent_round = re.findall('\) in round ([0-9]+)', line)[0]
                         log.debug("Located sent round: {}".format(sent_round))
@@ -72,12 +68,21 @@ def main():
                         if sent_round not in rounds_sent:
                             rounds_sent[sent_round] = False
-                    elif "Received message of type" in line:
+                    elif "Received message of type" in line or "Received AuthRequest from" in line or "Received AuthConfirm from" in line:
                         # Capture message receiving
-                        received_messages = re.findall(' msgDigest: (.{20})', line)
-                        for received_message in received_messages:
-                            log.debug("Located received message: {}".format(received_message))
-                            messages_received[received_message] = os.path.basename(path)
+                        received_message = re.findall(' msgDigest: (.{20})', line)[0]
+                        log.debug("Located received message: {}".format(received_message))
+                        messages_received[received_message] = {"receiver": os.path.basename(path)}
+                        # Capture message timestamp
+                        received_timestamp_str = re.findall('INFO (.{19}\.{0,1}\d{0,6})', line)[0]
+                        try:
+                            received_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(received_timestamp_str,
+                                                                            '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+                        except ValueError:
+                            received_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(received_timestamp_str, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+                        log.debug("Located received timestamp: {}".format(received_timestamp))
+                        messages_received[received_message]["received"] = received_timestamp
                     elif "Round(s)" in line:
                         # Capture round success
@@ -87,13 +92,22 @@ def main():
                             rounds_sent[successful_round] = True
     # Print results
-    num_successful = 0
+    num_successful = 0  # Keep track of how many messages were received successfully
+    total_latency = datetime.timedelta()  # Keep track of the total message latencies to calculate a mean
+    latencies = []  # Keep track of each message's latency in order to calculate a median
     for msgDigest, senderDict in messages_sent.items():
         if msgDigest in messages_received:
-            log.debug("Message {} sent by {} on round {} was received".format(msgDigest,
-                                                                              senderDict["sender"],
-                                                                              senderDict["round"]))
             num_successful += 1
+            time_sent = messages_sent[msgDigest]["sent"]
+            time_received = messages_received[msgDigest]["received"]
+            message_latency = time_received - time_sent
+            latencies.append(message_latency)
+            total_latency += message_latency
+            log.info("Message {} sent by {} on round {} was received after {}".format(msgDigest,
+                                                                                      senderDict["sender"],
+                                                                                      senderDict["round"],
+                                                                                      message_latency))
+            log.info("\tSent: {}, Received: {}".format(time_sent, time_received))
             log.error("Message {} sent by {} on round {} was NOT received".format(msgDigest,
@@ -105,6 +119,7 @@ def main():
             log.warning("Round {} was NOT confirmed successful, messages may have been dropped".format(round_id))
     log.info("{}/{} messages received successfully!".format(num_successful, len(messages_sent)))
+    log.info("\tMean: {}, Median: {}".format(total_latency / num_successful, statistics.median(latencies)))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/basice2e/run.sh b/basice2e/run.sh
index 0c23058d6d9d63e118a5986c1e481e8b2d721d7e..455e34209273e6a168c68e0ac71d6da06cdbbfeb 100755
--- a/basice2e/run.sh
+++ b/basice2e/run.sh
@@ -271,6 +271,19 @@ then
     wait $PIDVAL
     wait $PIDVAL2
+    CLIENTCMD="timeout 240s ../bin/client $CLIENTOPTS --forceMessagePickupRetry --unsafe -l $CLIENTOUT/client20.log -s blob20 --sendid 20 --destid 21 --sendCount 10 --receiveCount 10 -m \"Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption\""
+    eval $CLIENTCMD >> $CLIENTOUT/client20.txt || true &
+    PIDVAL=$!
+    echo "$CLIENTCMD -- $PIDVAL"
+    CLIENTCMD="timeout 240s ../bin/client $CLIENTOPTS --forceMessagePickupRetry --unsafe -l $CLIENTOUT/client21.log -s blob21 --sendid 21 --destid 20 --sendCount 10 --receiveCount 10 -m \"Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption\""
+    eval $CLIENTCMD >> $CLIENTOUT/client21.txt || true &
+    PIDVAL2=$!
+    echo "$CLIENTCMD -- $PIDVAL"
+    wait $PIDVAL
+    wait $PIDVAL2
 # Non-precanned E2E user messaging
@@ -389,6 +402,18 @@ echo "$CLIENTCMD -- $PIDVAL"
 wait $PIDVAL
 wait $PIDVAL2
+CLIENTCMD="timeout 240s ../bin/client $CLIENTOPTS --forceMessagePickupRetry -l $CLIENTOUT/client20.log -s blob20 --sendid 20 --destid 21 --sendCount 10 --receiveCount 10 -m \"Hello from 20, without E2E Encryption\""
+eval $CLIENTCMD >> $CLIENTOUT/client20.txt || true &
+CLIENTCMD="timeout 240s ../bin/client $CLIENTOPTS --forceMessagePickupRetry -l $CLIENTOUT/client21.log -s blob21 --sendid 21 --destid 20 --sendCount 10 --receiveCount 10 -m \"Hello from 21, without E2E Encryption\""
+eval $CLIENTCMD >> $CLIENTOUT/client21.txt || true &
+wait $PIDVAL
+wait $PIDVAL2
 # Single-use test: client53 sends message to client52; client52 responds with
 # the same message in the set number of message parts