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worker/manager.go 0 → 100644
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// Copyright © 2022 xx foundation //
// //
// Use of this source code is governed by a license that can be found in the //
// LICENSE file. //
//go:build js && wasm
package worker
import (
jww ""
// initID is the ID for the first item in the callback list. If the list only
// contains one callback, then this is the ID of that callback. If the list has
// autogenerated unique IDs, this is the initial ID to start at.
const initID = uint64(0)
// Response timeouts.
const (
// workerInitialConnectionTimeout is the time to wait to receive initial
// contact from a new worker before timing out.
workerInitialConnectionTimeout = 90 * time.Second
// ResponseTimeout is the general time to wait after sending a message to
// receive a response before timing out.
ResponseTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// receiveQueueChanSize is the size of the channel that received messages are
// put on.
const receiveQueueChanSize = 100
// ReceptionCallback is called with a message received from the worker.
type ReceptionCallback func(data []byte)
// Manager manages the handling of messages received from the worker.
type Manager struct {
// worker is the Worker Javascript object.
// Doc:
worker js.Value
// callbacks are a list of ReceptionCallback that handle a specific message
// received from the worker. Each callback is keyed on a tag specifying how
// the received message should be handled. If the message is a reply to a
// message sent to the worker, then the callback is also keyed on a unique
// ID. If the message is not a reply, then it appears on initID.
callbacks map[Tag]map[uint64]ReceptionCallback
// responseIDs is a list of the newest ID to assign to each callback when
// registered. The IDs are used to connect a reply from the worker to the
// original message sent by the main thread.
responseIDs map[Tag]uint64
// receiveQueue is the channel that all received messages are queued on
// while they wait to be processed.
receiveQueue chan js.Value
// quit, when triggered, stops the thread that processes received messages.
quit chan struct{}
// name describes the worker. It is used for debugging and logging purposes.
name string
// messageLogging determines if debug message logs should be printed every
// time a message is sent/received to/from the worker.
messageLogging bool
mux sync.Mutex
// NewManager generates a new Manager. This functions will only return once
// communication with the worker has been established.
func NewManager(aURL, name string, messageLogging bool) (*Manager, error) {
// Create new worker options with the given name
opts := newWorkerOptions("", "", name)
m := &Manager{
worker: js.Global().Get("Worker").New(aURL, opts),
callbacks: make(map[Tag]map[uint64]ReceptionCallback),
responseIDs: make(map[Tag]uint64),
receiveQueue: make(chan js.Value, receiveQueueChanSize),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
name: name,
messageLogging: messageLogging,
// Start thread to process responses from worker
go m.processThread()
// Register listeners on the Javascript worker object that receive messages
// and errors from the worker
// Register a callback that will receive initial message from worker
// indicating that it is ready
ready := make(chan struct{})
m.RegisterCallback(readyTag, func([]byte) { ready <- struct{}{} })
// Wait for the ready signal from the worker
select {
case <-ready:
case <-time.After(workerInitialConnectionTimeout):
return nil, errors.Errorf("[WW] [%s] timed out after %s waiting for "+
"initial message from worker",, workerInitialConnectionTimeout)
return m, nil
// Stop closes the worker manager and terminates the worker.
func (m *Manager) Stop() {
// Stop processThread
select {
case m.quit <- struct{}{}:
// Terminate the worker
go m.terminate()
// processThread processes received messages sequentially.
func (m *Manager) processThread() {
jww.INFO.Printf("[WW] [%s] Starting process thread.",
for {
select {
case <-m.quit:
jww.INFO.Printf("[WW] [%s] Quitting process thread.",
case msgData := <-m.receiveQueue:
switch msgData.Type() {
case js.TypeObject:
if msgData.Get("constructor").Equal(utils.Uint8Array) {
err := m.processReceivedMessage(utils.CopyBytesToGo(msgData))
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("[WW] [%s] Failed to process received "+
"message from worker: %+v",, err)
jww.ERROR.Printf("[WW] [%s] Cannot handle data of type %s "+
"from worker: %s",, msgData.Type(),
// SendMessage sends a message to the worker with the given tag. If a reception
// callback is specified, then the message is given a unique ID to handle the
// reply. Set receptionCB to nil if no reply is expected.
func (m *Manager) SendMessage(
tag Tag, data []byte, receptionCB ReceptionCallback) {
var id uint64
if receptionCB != nil {
id = m.registerReplyCallback(tag, receptionCB)
if m.messageLogging {
jww.DEBUG.Printf("[WW] [%s] Main sending message for %q and ID %d "+
"with data: %s",, tag, id, data)
msg := Message{
Tag: tag,
ID: id,
Data: data,
payload, err := json.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("[WW] [%s] Main failed to marshal %T for %q and "+
"ID %d going to worker: %+v",, msg, tag, id, err)
go m.postMessage(payload)
// receiveMessage is registered with the Javascript event listener and is called
// every time a new message from the worker is received.
func (m *Manager) receiveMessage(data js.Value) {
m.receiveQueue <- data
// processReceivedMessage processes the message received from the worker and
// calls the associated callback. This functions blocks until the callback
// returns.
func (m *Manager) processReceivedMessage(data []byte) error {
var msg Message
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.messageLogging {
jww.DEBUG.Printf("[WW] [%s] Main received message for %q and ID %d "+
"with data: %s",, msg.Tag, msg.ID, msg.Data)
callback, err := m.getCallback(msg.Tag, msg.ID, msg.DeleteCB)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getCallback returns the callback for the given ID or returns an error if no
// callback is found. The callback is deleted from the map if specified in the
// message. This function is thread safe.
func (m *Manager) getCallback(
tag Tag, id uint64, deleteCB bool) (ReceptionCallback, error) {
defer m.mux.Unlock()
callbacks, exists := m.callbacks[tag]
if !exists {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no callbacks found for tag %q", tag)
callback, exists := callbacks[id]
if !exists {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no %q callback found for ID %d", tag, id)
if deleteCB {
delete(m.callbacks[tag], id)
if len(m.callbacks[tag]) == 0 {
delete(m.callbacks, tag)
return callback, nil
// RegisterCallback registers the reception callback for the given tag. If a
// previous callback was registered, it is overwritten. This function is thread
// safe.
func (m *Manager) RegisterCallback(tag Tag, receptionCB ReceptionCallback) {
defer m.mux.Unlock()
id := initID
jww.DEBUG.Printf("[WW] [%s] Main registering callback for tag %q and ID %d",, tag, id)
m.callbacks[tag] = map[uint64]ReceptionCallback{id: receptionCB}
// RegisterCallback registers the reception callback for the given tag and a new
// unique ID used to associate the reply to the callback. Returns the ID that
// was registered. If a previous callback was registered, it is overwritten.
// This function is thread safe.
func (m *Manager) registerReplyCallback(
tag Tag, receptionCB ReceptionCallback) uint64 {
defer m.mux.Unlock()
id := m.getNextID(tag)
jww.DEBUG.Printf("[WW] [%s] Main registering callback for tag %q and ID %d",, tag, id)
if _, exists := m.callbacks[tag]; !exists {
m.callbacks[tag] = make(map[uint64]ReceptionCallback)
m.callbacks[tag][id] = receptionCB
return id
// getNextID returns the next unique ID for the given tag. This function is not
// thread-safe.
func (m *Manager) getNextID(tag Tag) uint64 {
if _, exists := m.responseIDs[tag]; !exists {
m.responseIDs[tag] = initID
id := m.responseIDs[tag]
return id
// GetWorker returns the web worker object. This returned so the worker object
// can be returned to the Javascript layer for it to communicate with the worker
// thread.
func (m *Manager) GetWorker() js.Value { return m.worker }
// Name returns the name of the web worker object.
func (m *Manager) Name() string { return }
// Javascript Call Wrappers //
// addEventListeners adds the event listeners needed to receive a message from
// the worker. Two listeners were added; one to receive messages from the worker
// and the other to receive errors.
func (m *Manager) addEventListeners() {
// Create a listener for when the message event is fired on the worker. This
// occurs when a message is received from the worker.
// Doc:
messageEvent := js.FuncOf(func(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
return nil
// Create listener for when an error event is fired on the worker. This
// occurs when an error occurs in the worker.
// Doc:
errorEvent := js.FuncOf(func(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
event := args[0]
jww.FATAL.Panicf("[WW] [%s] Main received error event: %+v",, js.Error{Value: event})
return nil
// Create listener for when a messageerror event is fired on the worker.
// This occurs when it receives a message that cannot be deserialized.
// Doc:
messageerrorEvent := js.FuncOf(func(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) any {
event := args[0]
jww.ERROR.Printf("[WW] [%s] Main received message error event: %+v",, js.Error{Value: event})
return nil
// Register each event listener on the worker using addEventListener
// Doc:
m.worker.Call("addEventListener", "message", messageEvent)
m.worker.Call("addEventListener", "error", errorEvent)
m.worker.Call("addEventListener", "messageerror", messageerrorEvent)
// postMessage sends a message to the worker.
// msg is the object to deliver to the worker; this will be in the data
// field in the event delivered to the worker. It must be a transferable object
// because this function transfers ownership of the message instead of copying
// it for better performance. See the doc for more information.
// If the message parameter is not provided, a SyntaxError will be thrown by the
// parser. If the data to be passed to the worker is unimportant, js.Null or
// js.Undefined can be passed explicitly.
// Doc:
func (m *Manager) postMessage(msg []byte) {
buffer := utils.CopyBytesToJS(msg)
m.worker.Call("postMessage", buffer, []any{buffer.Get("buffer")})
// terminate immediately terminates the Worker. This does not offer the worker
// an opportunity to finish its operations; it is stopped at once.
// Doc:
func (m *Manager) terminate() {
// newWorkerOptions creates a new Javascript object containing optional
// properties that can be set when creating a new worker.
// Each property is optional; leave a property empty to use the defaults (as
// documented). The available properties are:
// - type - The type of worker to create. The value can be either "classic" or
// "module". If not specified, the default used is "classic".
// - credentials - The type of credentials to use for the worker. The value
// can be "omit", "same-origin", or "include". If it is not specified, or if
// the type is "classic", then the default used is "omit" (no credentials
// are required).
// - name - An identifying name for the worker, used mainly for debugging
// purposes.
// Doc:
func newWorkerOptions(workerType, credentials, name string) js.Value {
options := make(map[string]any, 3)
if workerType != "" {
options["type"] = workerType
if credentials != "" {
options["credentials"] = credentials
if name != "" {
options["name"] = name
return js.ValueOf(options)