import type { XXDKUtils } from './types'; import { logFileWorkerPath } from './paths'; const xxdkWasm: URL = require('../assets/wasm/xxdk.wasm'); type Logger = { StopLogging: () => void, GetFile: () => Promise<string>, Threshold: () => number, MaxSize: () => number, Size: () => Promise<number>, Worker: () => Worker, }; declare global { interface Window extends XXDKUtils { onWasmInitialized: () => void; Crash: () => void; GetLogger: () => Logger; logger?: Logger; getCrashedLogFile: () => Promise<string>; Go: any; } } export const InitXXDK = () => new Promise<XXDKUtils>(async (xxdkUtils) => { await import('../wasm_exec.js'); const isReady = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { window!.onWasmInitialized = resolve; }); const xxdkWasmPath = new URL(window!.xxdkBasePath.toString() + xxdkWasm.toString()); console.log("Fetching xxdkWASM: " + xxdkWasmPath); console.log("Fetching xxdkWASM base: " + window!.xxdkBasePath); console.log("Fetching xxdkWASM path: " + xxdkWasm); const logWorker = await logFileWorkerPath(); console.log("Got logworkerURL: " + logWorker); let go = new window!.Go(); go.argv = [ '--logLevel=1', '--fileLogLevel=1', '--workerScriptURL=' + logWorker, ] let stream = await WebAssembly?.instantiateStreaming( fetch(xxdkWasmPath), go.importObject);; await isReady; const { Base64ToUint8Array, ConstructIdentity, DecodePrivateURL, DecodePublicURL, GenerateChannelIdentity, GetChannelInfo, GetChannelJSON, GetClientVersion, GetDefaultCMixParams, GetOrInitPassword, GetPublicChannelIdentityFromPrivate, GetShareUrlType, GetVersion, GetWasmSemanticVersion, ImportPrivateIdentity, IsNicknameValid, LoadChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb, LoadCmix, LoadNotifications, LoadNotificationsDummy, LoadSynchronizedCmix, NewChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb, NewCmix, NewDMClientWithIndexedDb, NewDatabaseCipher, NewDummyTrafficManager, NewSynchronizedCmix, Purge, ValidForever, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } = (window as any) || {}; const { GetLogger } = window; if(GetLogger) { const logger = GetLogger() // Get the actual Worker object from the log file object const w = logger.Worker() window.getCrashedLogFile = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { w.addEventListener('message', ev => { resolve(atob(JSON.parse( }) w.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ tag: 'GetFileExt' })) }); }; window.logger = logger } xxdkUtils({ NewCmix, NewSynchronizedCmix, LoadCmix, LoadNotifications, LoadNotificationsDummy, LoadSynchronizedCmix, GetChannelInfo, GenerateChannelIdentity, GetDefaultCMixParams, NewChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb, Base64ToUint8Array, LoadChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb, GetPublicChannelIdentityFromPrivate, IsNicknameValid, GetShareUrlType, GetVersion, GetClientVersion, GetOrInitPassword, GetWasmSemanticVersion, ImportPrivateIdentity, ConstructIdentity, DecodePrivateURL, DecodePublicURL, GetChannelJSON, NewDMClientWithIndexedDb, NewDatabaseCipher, NewDummyTrafficManager, Purge, ValidForever }); });