diff --git a/Sources/Integration/Extensions.swift b/Sources/Integration/Extensions.swift
index 74835b71119a49875336974ea91978599557a8ed..6fd221f6f154b85c6f8aa49a8434a29c70be473b 100644
--- a/Sources/Integration/Extensions.swift
+++ b/Sources/Integration/Extensions.swift
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ import Bindings
 extension Contact {
     init(with contact: BindingsContact, status: Contact.AuthStatus) {
-            photo: nil,
-            userId: contact.getID()!,
-            email: contact.retrieve(fact: .email),
-            phone: contact.retrieve(fact: .phone),
-            status: status,
+            id: contact.getID()!,
             marshaled: try! contact.marshal(),
             username: contact.retrieve(fact: .username) ?? "",
+            email: contact.retrieve(fact: .email),
+            phone: contact.retrieve(fact: .phone),
             nickname: nil,
-            createdAt: Date(),
-            isRecent: false
+            photo: nil,
+            authStatus: status,
+            isRecent: false,
+            createdAt: Date()
@@ -24,14 +24,17 @@ extension Message {
         guard let payload = try? Payload(with: message.getPayload()!) else { fatalError() }
-            sender: message.getSender()!,
-            receiver: meMarshalled,
-            payload: payload,
-            unread: true,
-            timestamp: Int(message.getTimestampNano()),
-            uniqueId: message.getID()!,
+            networkId: message.getID()!,
+            senderId: message.getSender()!,
+            recipientId: meMarshalled,
+            groupId: nil,
+            date: Date.fromTimestamp(Int(message.getTimestampNano())),
             status: .received,
-            roundURL: message.getRoundURL()
+            isUnread: true,
+            text: payload.text,
+            replyMessageId: payload.reply?.messageId,
+            roundURL: message.getRoundURL(),
+            fileTransferId: nil
@@ -39,14 +42,17 @@ extension Message {
         guard let payload = try? Payload(with: message.getPayload()!) else { fatalError() }
-            sender: message.getSenderID()!,
+            networkId: message.getMessageID()!,
+            senderId: message.getSenderID()!,
+            recipientId: nil,
             groupId: message.getGroupID()!,
-            payload: payload,
-            unread: true,
-            timestamp: Int(message.getTimestampNano()),
-            uniqueId: message.getMessageID()!,
+            date: Date.fromTimestamp(Int(message.getTimestampNano())),
             status: .received,
-            roundURL: message.getRoundURL()
+            isUnread: true,
+            text: payload.text,
+            replyMessageId: payload.reply?.messageId,
+            roundURL: message.getRoundURL(),
+            fileTransferId: nil
diff --git a/Sources/Integration/Implementations/GroupManager.swift b/Sources/Integration/Implementations/GroupManager.swift
index 1fcdbccf55721cec19d2787ebcfc6ab25e888475..4b3dc4ef2e03abff18cea433fc30a1f2ed424b33 100644
--- a/Sources/Integration/Implementations/GroupManager.swift
+++ b/Sources/Integration/Implementations/GroupManager.swift
@@ -68,15 +68,14 @@ extension BindingsGroupChat: GroupManagerInterface {
-                    completion(.success(
-                        .init(
-                            leader: me,
-                            name: name,
-                            groupId: group.getID()!,
-                            status: .participating,
-                            createdAt: Date(),
-                            serialize: group.serialize()!
-                        )))
+                    completion(.success(.init(
+                        id: group.getID()!,
+                        name: name,
+                        leaderId: me,
+                        createdAt: Date(),
+                        authStatus: .participating,
+                        serialized: group.serialize()!
+                    )))
diff --git a/Sources/Integration/Listeners.swift b/Sources/Integration/Listeners.swift
index 3859566e8be636405b56d0eed8d05e00b539d279..9ade68b4393dd7c33956cc33d077d6e1d450dd6e 100644
--- a/Sources/Integration/Listeners.swift
+++ b/Sources/Integration/Listeners.swift
@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ public extension BindingsClient {
-                leader: members.first!,
+                id: id,
                 name: String(data: name, encoding: .utf8)!,
-                groupId: id,
-                status: .pending,
+                leaderId: members.first!,
                 createdAt: Date(),
-                serialize: serialize
+                authStatus: .pending,
+                serialized: serialize
             ), members, welcomeMessage)
-        let messageCallback = GroupMessageCallback { groupMessages(GroupMessage(with: $0)) }
+        let messageCallback = GroupMessageCallback { groupMessages(Message(with: $0)) }
         let groupManager = BindingsNewGroupManager(self, requestCallback, messageCallback, &error)
         guard let error = error else { return groupManager }
diff --git a/Sources/Integration/Session/Session+Group.swift b/Sources/Integration/Session/Session+Group.swift
index 7829a545d2415df8c16dcfb8a6c8d71b278ab90e..ced2ada351cc2d0bb1ae5bb120a257be306565e7 100644
--- a/Sources/Integration/Session/Session+Group.swift
+++ b/Sources/Integration/Session/Session+Group.swift
@@ -42,56 +42,59 @@ extension Session {
     func processGroupCreation(_ group: Group, memberIds: [Data], welcome: String?) -> [GroupMember] {
-        try! dbManager.saveGroup(group)
-        var members: [GroupMember] = []
-        if let contactsOnGroup: [Contact] = try? dbManager.fetch(.withUserIds(memberIds)) {
-            contactsOnGroup.forEach { members.append(GroupMember(contact: $0, group: group)) }
-        }
-        let strangersOnGroup = memberIds
-            .filter { !members.map { $0.contactId }.contains($0) }
-            .filter { $0 != client.bindings.myId }
-        if !strangersOnGroup.isEmpty {
-            for stranger in strangersOnGroup.enumerated() {
-                members.append(GroupMember(
-                    userId: stranger.element,
-                    groupId: group.groupId,
-                    status: .pendingUsername,
-                    username: "Fetching username...",
-                    photo: nil
-                ))
-            }
-        }
-        members.forEach { try! dbManager.saveGroupMember($0) }
-        if group.leaderId != client.bindings.meMarshalled, inappnotifications {
-            DeviceFeedback.sound(.contactAdded)
-            DeviceFeedback.shake(.notification)
-        }
-        scanStrangers {}
-        if let welcome = welcome {
-            _ = try? dbManager.saveMessage(.init(
-                networkId: nil,
-                senderId: group.leaderId,
-                recipientId: client.bindings.meMarshalled,
-                groupId: group.id,
-                date: Date(),
-                status: .received,
-                isUnread: true,
-                text: welcome,
-                replyMessageId: nil,
-                roundURL: nil,
-                fileTransferId: nil
-            ))
-        }
-        return members
+        // TODO: Implement this checking on which members of the group are my members etc.
+//        try! dbManager.saveGroup(group)
+//        var members: [GroupMember] = []
+//        if let contactsOnGroup: [Contact] = try? dbManager.fetchContacts(.init(id: Set(memberIds)) {
+//            //contactsOnGroup.forEach { members.append(GroupMember(contact: $0, group: group)) }
+//        }
+//        let strangersOnGroup = memberIds
+//            .filter { !members.map { $0.contactId }.contains($0) }
+//            .filter { $0 != client.bindings.myId }
+//        if !strangersOnGroup.isEmpty {
+//            for stranger in strangersOnGroup.enumerated() {
+//                members.append(GroupMember(
+//                    userId: stranger.element,
+//                    groupId: group.groupId,
+//                    status: .pendingUsername,
+//                    username: "Fetching username...",
+//                    photo: nil
+//                ))
+//            }
+//        }
+//        members.forEach { try! dbManager.saveGroupMember($0) }
+//        if group.leaderId != client.bindings.meMarshalled, inappnotifications {
+//            DeviceFeedback.sound(.contactAdded)
+//            DeviceFeedback.shake(.notification)
+//        }
+//        scanStrangers {}
+//        if let welcome = welcome {
+//            _ = try? dbManager.saveMessage(.init(
+//                networkId: nil,
+//                senderId: group.leaderId,
+//                recipientId: client.bindings.meMarshalled,
+//                groupId: group.id,
+//                date: Date(),
+//                status: .received,
+//                isUnread: true,
+//                text: welcome,
+//                replyMessageId: nil,
+//                roundURL: nil,
+//                fileTransferId: nil
+//            ))
+//        }
+//        return members
+        fatalError()
@@ -100,13 +103,16 @@ extension Session {
 extension Session {
     public func send(_ payload: Payload, toGroup group: Group) {
         var message = Message(
-            sender: client.bindings.meMarshalled,
-            groupId: group.groupId,
-            payload: payload,
-            unread: false,
-            timestamp: Date.asTimestamp,
-            uniqueId: nil,
-            status: .sending
+            senderId: client.bindings.meMarshalled,
+            recipientId: nil,
+            groupId: group.id,
+            date: Date(),
+            status: .sending,
+            isUnread: false,
+            text: payload.text,
+            replyMessageId: payload.reply?.messageId,
+            roundURL: nil,
+            fileTransferId: nil
         do {
@@ -117,13 +123,6 @@ extension Session {
-    public func retryGroupMessage(_ id: Int64) {
-        guard var message: GroupMessage = try? dbManager.fetch(withId: id) else { return }
-        message.timestamp = Date.asTimestamp
-        message.status = .sending
-        send(groupMessage: try! dbManager.saveMessage(message))
-    }
     private func send(message: Message) {
         guard let manager = client.groupManager else { fatalError("A group manager was not created") }
         var message = message
@@ -163,52 +162,51 @@ extension Session {
     public func scanStrangers(_ completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
-        DispatchQueue.global().async { [weak self] in
-            guard let self = self, let ud = self.client.userDiscovery else { return }
-            guard let strangers: [GroupMember] = try? self.dbManager.fetch(.strangers) else {
-                DispatchQueue.main.async {
-                    completion()
-                }
-                return
-            }
-            let ids = strangers.map { $0.userId }
-            var updatedStrangers: [GroupMember] = []
-            ud.lookup(idList: ids) {
-                switch $0 {
-                case .success(let contacts):
-                    strangers.forEach { stranger in
-                        if let found = contacts.first(where: { contact in contact.userId == stranger.userId }) {
-                            var updatedStranger = stranger
-                            updatedStranger.status = .usernameSet
-                            updatedStranger.username = found.username
-                            updatedStrangers.append(updatedStranger)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
-                        updatedStrangers.forEach {
-                            do {
-                                try self.dbManager.save($0)
-                            } catch {
-                                log(string: error.localizedDescription, type:.error)
-                            }
-                        }
-                        log(string: "Scanned unknown group members", type: .info)
-                        completion()
-                    }
-                case .failure(let error):
-                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
-                        log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error)
-                        completion()
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
+        // TODO: How this will work?
+//        DispatchQueue.global().async { [weak self] in
+//            guard let self = self, let ud = self.client.userDiscovery else { return }
+//            guard let strangers = try? self.dbManager.fetchContacts(.init(authStatus: [.stranger])),
+//                    strangers.isEmpty == false else {
+//                DispatchQueue.main.async { completion() }
+//                return
+//            }
+//            let ids = strangers.map { $0.id }
+//            var updatedStrangers: [GroupMember] = []
+//            ud.lookup(idList: ids) {
+//                switch $0 {
+//                case .success(let contacts):
+//                    strangers.forEach { stranger in
+//                        if let found = contacts.first(where: { contact in contact.id == stranger.id }) {
+//                            var updatedStranger = stranger
+//                            updatedStranger.username = found.username
+//                            updatedStrangers.append(updatedStranger)
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
+//                        updatedStrangers.forEach {
+//                            do {
+//                                try self.dbManager.saveContact($0)
+//                            } catch {
+//                                log(string: error.localizedDescription, type:.error)
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        log(string: "Scanned unknown group members", type: .info)
+//                        completion()
+//                    }
+//                case .failure(let error):
+//                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
+//                        log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error)
+//                        completion()
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
diff --git a/Sources/Integration/Session/SessionType.swift b/Sources/Integration/Session/SessionType.swift
index f2badbfa4797d43c9eea5369a772255b31a5872b..b77fe940575a3b177c73b0410bc50f24555400c9 100644
--- a/Sources/Integration/Session/SessionType.swift
+++ b/Sources/Integration/Session/SessionType.swift
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ public protocol SessionType {
     // Messages
     func retryMessage(_: Int64)
-    func retryGroupMessage(_: Int64)
     func send(_: Payload, toContact: Contact)
     // Contacts