import Retry import Models import Shared import XXModels import Foundation extension Session { public func getId(from data: Data) -> Data? { client.bindings.getId(from: data) } public func verify(contact: Contact) { var contact = contact contact.authStatus = .verificationInProgress do { contact = try dbManager.saveContact(contact) } catch { log(string: "Failed to store contact request upon verification. Returning, request will be abandoned to not crash", type: .error) } retry(max: 4, retryStrategy: .delay(seconds: 1)) { [weak self] in if self?.networkMonitor.xxStatus != .available { log(string: "Network is not available yet for ownership. Retrying in 1 second...", type: .error) throw NSError.create("") } }.finalCatch { error in log(string: "Failed to verify contact cause network wasn't available at all", type: .crumbs) return } let resultClosure: (Result<Contact, Error>) -> Void = { result in switch result { case .success(let mightBe): guard try! self.client.bindings.verify(marshaled: contact.marshaled!, verifiedMarshaled: mightBe.marshaled!) else { do { try self.dbManager.deleteContact(contact) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } return } contact.authStatus = .verified do { try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } case .failure: contact.authStatus = .verificationFailed do { try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } } } let ud = client.userDiscovery! let hasEmail = != nil let hasPhone = != nil guard hasEmail || hasPhone else { ud.lookup(forUserId:, resultClosure) return } var fact: String if hasEmail { fact = "\(\(!)" } else { fact = "\(\(!)" } do { try fact, resultClosure) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) contact.authStatus = .verificationFailed do { try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } } } public func retryRequest(_ contact: Contact) throws { log(string: "Retrying to request a contact", type: .info) client.bindings.add(contact.marshaled!, from: myQR) { [weak self, contact] in var contact = contact guard let self = self else { return } do { switch $0 { case .success: log(string: "Retrying to request a contact -- Success", type: .info) contact.authStatus = .requested case .failure(let error): log(string: "Retrying to request a contact -- Failed: \(error.localizedDescription)", type: .error) contact.createdAt = Date() } _ = try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } } } public func add(_ contact: Contact) throws { /// Make sure we are not adding ourselves /// guard contact.username != username else { throw NSError.create("You can't add yourself") } var contact = contact /// Check if this contact is actually /// being requested/confirmed after failing /// if [.requestFailed, .confirmationFailed].contains(contact.authStatus) { /// If it is being re-requested or /// re-confirmed, no need to save again /// contact.createdAt = Date() if contact.authStatus == .confirmationFailed { try confirm(contact) return } } else { /// If its not failed, lets make sure that /// this is an actual new contact /// if let _ = try? dbManager.fetchContacts(.init(id: [])).first { /// Found a user w/ that id already stored /// throw NSError.create("This user has already been requested") } contact.authStatus = .requesting } contact = try dbManager.saveContact(contact) let myself = client.bindings.meMarshalled( username!, email: isSharingEmail ? email : nil, phone: isSharingPhone ? phone : nil ) client.bindings.add(contact.marshaled!, from: myself) { [weak self, contact] in guard let self = self else { return } var contact = contact do { switch $0 { case .success(let success): contact.authStatus = success ? .requested : .requestFailed contact = try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) let name = contact.nickname ?? contact.username self.toastController.enqueueToast(model: .init( title: Localized.Requests.Sent.Toast.sent(name ?? ""), leftImage: Asset.sharedSuccess.image )) case .failure: contact.createdAt = Date() contact.authStatus = .requestFailed contact = try self.dbManager.saveContact(contact) self.toastController.enqueueToast(model: .init( title: Localized.Requests.Failed.toast(contact.nickname ?? contact.username!), color: Asset.accentDanger.color, leftImage: Asset.requestFailedToaster.image )) } } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) } } } public func confirm(_ contact: Contact) throws { var contact = contact contact.authStatus = .confirming contact = try dbManager.saveContact(contact) client.bindings.confirm(contact.marshaled!) { [weak self] in switch $0 { case .success(let confirmed): contact.isRecent = true contact.createdAt = Date() contact.authStatus = confirmed ? .friend : .confirmationFailed case .failure: contact.authStatus = .confirmationFailed } _ = try? self?.dbManager.saveContact(contact) } } public func deleteContact(_ contact: Contact) throws { if !(try dbManager.fetchFileTransfers(.init(contactId: { throw NSError.create("There is an ongoing file transfer with this contact as you are receiving or sending a file, please try again later once it’s done") } try client.bindings.removeContact(contact.marshaled!) /// Currently this cascades into deleting /// all messages w/ == senderId /// But this shouldn't be the always the case /// because if we have a group / this contact /// the messages will be gone as well. /// /// Suggestion: If there's a group where this user belongs to /// we will just cleanup the contact model stored on the db /// leaving only username and id which are the equivalent to /// .stranger contacts. /// //try dbManager.deleteContact(contact) _ = try? dbManager.deleteMessages(Message.Query(chat: .direct(myId, var contact = contact = nil = nil = nil contact.isRecent = false contact.marshaled = nil contact.authStatus = .stranger contact.nickname = contact.username _ = try? dbManager.saveContact(contact) } }