import Shared import Models import Bindings import DependencyInjection import Foundation public let evaluateNotification: NotificationEvaluation = BindingsNotificationsForMe public protocol NotificationReportProtocol { func forMe() -> Bool func type() -> String } public protocol NotificationManyReportProtocol { func len() -> Int func get(index: Int) throws -> NotificationReportProtocol } extension BindingsNotificationForMeReport: NotificationReportProtocol {} extension BindingsManyNotificationForMeReport: NotificationManyReportProtocol { public func get(index: Int) throws -> NotificationReportProtocol { try get(index) } } extension BindingsClient: BindingsInterface { public func removeContact(_ data: Data) throws { do { try deleteContact(data) log(string: "Deleted a contact", type: .info) } catch { log(string: "Failed to delete a contact: \(error.localizedDescription)", type: .error) throw error.friendly() } } func dumpThreads() { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? let string = BindingsDumpStack(&error) if let error = error { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) return } log(string: string, type: .bindings) } public func verify(marshaled: Data, verifiedMarshaled: Data) throws -> Bool { var bool: ObjCBool = false try verifyOwnership(marshaled, verifiedMarshaled: verifiedMarshaled, ret0_: &bool) log(string: "Onwership verification: \(bool.boolValue)", type: bool.boolValue ? .info : .error) return bool.boolValue } public func compress( image: Data, _ completion: @escaping(Result<Data, Error>) -> Void ) { var error: NSError? let compressed = BindingsCompressJpeg(image, &error) guard error == nil else { log(string: "Error when compressing jpeg: \(error!.localizedDescription)", type: .error) completion(.failure(error!.friendly())) return } guard let compressed = compressed else { let extensiveLog = """ #### Important: No error was written but CompressJpeg() returned nothing. - Params: -- imageData = \(image.base64EncodedString()) - Error description: \(error!.localizedDescription) """ log(string: extensiveLog, type: .error) log(string: "An image compression failed without any specific error", type: .error) completion(.failure(NSError.create("Image compression failed without error"))) return } let compressionRate = String(format: "%.4f", Float(compressed.count)/Float(image.count)) log(string: "Compressed image x\(compressionRate) (\(image.count) -> \(compressed.count))", type: .info) completion(.success(compressed)) } public var hasRunningTasks: Bool { hasRunningProcessies() } public var myId: Data { guard let user = getUser(), let contact = user.getContact(), let id = contact.getID() else { fatalError("Couldn't get my ID") } return id } public var meMarshalled: Data { guard let user = getUser(), let contact = user.getContact(), let marshal = try? contact.marshal() else { fatalError("Couldn't get my own contact marshalled") } return marshal } public func getPreImages() -> String { getPreimages(receptionId) } public func meMarshalled(_ username: String, email: String?, phone: String?) -> Data { guard let user = getUser(), let contact = user.getContact(), let factList = contact.getFactList() else { let extensiveLog = """ #### Important: It was impossible to get the fact list of my own contact. - getUser was nil? = \(getUser() == nil) - getContact was nil? = \(getUser()?.getContact() == nil) """ log(string: extensiveLog, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError(extensiveLog) } do { try factList.add(username, factType: FactType.username.rawValue) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError() } if let email = email { do { try factList.add(email, factType: } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError() } } if let phone = phone { do { try factList.add(phone, factType: } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError() } } do { return try contact.marshal() } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError() } } public var receptionId: Data { guard let user = getUser(), let recId = user.getReceptionID() else { let extendedLog = """ #### Important: It was impossible to get my own reception id. - getUser was nil? = \(getUser() == nil) """ log(string: extendedLog, type: .error) dumpThreads() fatalError(extendedLog) } return recId } public static let version: String = { return BindingsGetVersion() }() public static let secret: (Int) -> Data? = BindingsGenerateSecret public static let login: (String?, Data?, String?, NSErrorPointer) -> BindingsInterface? = BindingsLogin public static let newClient: (String?, String?, Data?, String?, NSErrorPointer) -> Bool = BindingsNewClient public static func updateNDF( for env: NetworkEnvironment, _ completion: @escaping (Result<Data?, Error>) -> Void ) { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? let ndf = BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(env.url, env.cert, &error) if let error = error { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) completion(.failure(error)) } else { completion(.success(ndf)) } } /// Fetches a JSON with up-to-date error descriptions /// then passes it to the bindings that will emit cleaner /// errors /// /// - ToDo: Request status codes for errors /// public static func updateErrors() { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? if let dbErrors = BindingsDownloadErrorDB(&error) { var otherError: NSError? BindingsUpdateCommonErrors(String(data: dbErrors, encoding: .utf8), &otherError) if let otherError = otherError { log(string: otherError.localizedDescription, type: .error) } } if let error = error { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) } } /// Starts the network /// /// If network status is != 0 it means the network is /// not ready yet or the device is not ready. A recursion was applied /// as a temporary solution in order to retry indefinitely /// /// - ToDo: Split function into smaller functions /// public func startNetwork() { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? let status = networkFollowerStatus() BindingsLogLevel(1, &error) registerErrorCallback(BindingsError()) guard status == 0 else { log(string: "Network is not ready yet. Let's give it a second...", type: .error) sleep(1) startNetwork() return } try! startNetworkFollower(10000) log(string: "Starting the network...", type: .info) } /// (Tries) to stop the network /// /// - Warning: This function tries to stop several /// threads and it may take some time. /// That's why we register a background /// task on AppDelegate.swift /// public func stopNetwork() { log(type: .crumbs) try! stopNetworkFollower() log(string: "Stopping the network...", type: .info) } /// Extracts *user id* from a contact /// /// - Parameters: /// - from: Byte array containing contact object /// /// - Returns: Optional byte array, if *user id* could be retrieved /// public func getId(from marshaled: Data) -> Data? { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? let contact = BindingsUnmarshalContact(marshaled, &error) if let error = error { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) return nil } return contact?.getID() } public func add(_ contact: Data, from me: Data, _ completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, Error>) -> Void) { log(type: .crumbs) do { var roundId = Int() try requestAuthenticatedChannel(contact, meMarshaled: me, message: nil, ret0_: &roundId) completion(.success(true)) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) completion(.failure(error.friendly())) } } /// Confirms a contact request /// /// - Parameters: /// - contact: Byte array containing *contact object* /// - completion: Result callback with associated /// values *boolean* = success && /// !timedOut or *Error* upon throwing /// public func confirm(_ contact: Data, _ completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, Error>) -> Void) { log(type: .crumbs) do { var roundId = Int() try confirmAuthenticatedChannel(contact, ret0_: &roundId) completion(.success(true)) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) completion(.failure(error.friendly())) } } /// Sends a message over CMIX /// /// - Parameters: /// - recipient: Byte array containing *user id* /// - payload: Byte array containing *message payload* /// /// - Returns: Result w/ associated values /// byte array containing *SentReport* /// or *Error* upon throwing /// public func send(_ payload: Data, to recipient: Data) -> Result<E2ESendReportType, Error> { log(type: .crumbs) do { let report = try sendE2E(recipient, payload: payload, messageType: 2, parameters: nil) var roundIds = [Int]() if let roundList = report.getRoundList(), let payloadUnwrapped = try? Payload(with: payload) { let length = roundList.len() for index in 0..<length { var integer: Int = 0 do { try roundList.get(index, ret0_: &integer) roundIds.append(integer) } catch { log(string: "Error trying to inspect round list: \(error.localizedDescription)", type: .error) } } log(string: "Round ids for \(payloadUnwrapped.text.prefix(5))... = \(roundIds)", type: .info) } return .success(report) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) return .failure(error) } } /// Listens to the delivery of a message through a report /// /// - Note: Delivery actually refers to the /// gateway, not necessarily the other end /// received/read this message yet. /// /// - Parameters: /// - report: SentReport marshalled /// - completion: Result callback w/ associated /// values *completed* or *Error* /// upon throwing /// public func listen(report: Data, _ completion: @escaping (Result<MessageDeliveryStatus, Error>) -> Void) { do { try listenDelivery(of: report) { msgId, delivered, timedOut, roundResults in let status: MessageDeliveryStatus if delivered == false { let extendedLogs = """ Round delivery callback from wait(forMessageDelivery:) - timedOut = \(timedOut) - delivered = \(delivered) """ log(string: extendedLogs, type: .error) log(string: extendedLogs, type: .error) if timedOut == true { status = .timedout } else { status = .failed } } else { status = .sent } completion(.success(status)) } } catch { completion(.failure(error)) } } /// Registers device token on backend for push notifications /// /// - Parameters: /// - string: Device token provided by APNS /// /// - Throws: If an exception was raised on /// backend such as timing out /// public func registerNotifications(_ token: String) throws { log(type: .crumbs) do { try register(forNotifications: token) log(string: "Registered for notifications using token: \(token)", type: .info) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) throw error.friendly() } } /// Unregisters device token on backend /// /// - Throws: If when trying to unregister /// some exception come up such as /// timing out or user is not registered /// public func unregisterNotifications() throws { log(type: .crumbs) do { try unregisterForNotifications() log(string: "Unregistered notifications", type: .info) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) throw error.friendly() } } /// Checks if number of nodes already registered is enough /// /// Whenever the user wants to do an operation that involves /// *User Discovery*, the app should make sure that a minimum /// amount of nodes already know about this user /// /// - Throws: `NodeRegistrationError.amountIsTooLow` if /// the ratio is below minimum (currently 85%). /// `NodeRegistrationError.networkIsNotHealthyYet` /// when trying to fetch registration status and /// network is not healthy yet /// public func nodeRegistrationStatus() throws { log(type: .crumbs) enum NodeRegistrationError: Error { case amountIsTooLow } var shortRatio: String? do { let status = try getNodeRegistrationStatus() let registered = Float(status.getRegistered()) let total = Float(status.getTotal()) let ratio = Float(registered/total) let nf = NumberFormatter() nf.roundingMode = .down nf.maximumFractionDigits = 2 nf.numberStyle = .percent shortRatio = nf.string(from: NSNumber(value: ratio)) guard ratio >= 0.85 else { throw NodeRegistrationError.amountIsTooLow } log(string: "Node registration rate: \(shortRatio ?? "")", type: .info) } catch NodeRegistrationError.amountIsTooLow { let string = "Node registration rate is still below 85% (\(shortRatio ?? ""))" log(string: string, type: .error) let userError = "We are still establishing a secure registration with the decentralized network. Please try again in a few seconds." throw NSError.create(userError) } catch { log(string: error.localizedDescription, type: .error) throw error } } /// Instantiates a transfer manager /// /// - Returns: An instance of *BindingsFileTransfer (TransferManager)* /// /// - Throws: `FTError.noInstance` if no error was thrown /// but also no instance was created /// public func generateTransferManager( _ callback: @escaping (Data, String?, String?, Data?) -> Void ) throws -> TransferManagerInterface { log(type: .crumbs) let incomingTransferCallback = IncomingTransferCallback { tid, name, type, sender, size, preview in guard let tid = tid else { fatalError("An incoming transfer has no TID?") } callback(tid, name, type, sender) } var error: NSError? let manager = BindingsNewFileTransferManager(self, incomingTransferCallback, "", &error) guard let error = error else { return manager! } throw error.friendly() } public func generateDummyTraficManager() throws -> DummyTrafficManaging { var error: NSError? let manager = BindingsNewDummyTrafficManager(self, 5, 30000, 25000, &error) guard let error = error else { return manager! } throw error.friendly() } /// Instantiates user discovery /// /// - Returns: An instance of *UD (User discovery)* /// /// - Throws: `UDError.noInstance` if no error was thrown /// but also no instance was created /// public func generateUD() throws -> UserDiscoveryInterface { log(type: .crumbs) var error: NSError? let udb = BindingsNewUserDiscovery(self, &error) guard let error = error else { return udb! } throw error.friendly() } } extension BindingsContact { /// Scans the contact instance for a specified fact /// /// - Parameters: /// - fact: enum defined in ```FactType``` /// that specifies the type we're /// searching /// /// - Note: Since GoLang does not support collections /// We need to do this workaround *length* and /// *get* instead of subscripting as in Swift. /// /// - Returns: Optional string in case we find the the fact /// /// - ToDo: Return a struct that contains all possible facts (?) /// func retrieve(fact: FactType) -> String? { log(type: .crumbs) guard let factList = getFactList() else { return nil } for index in 0..<factList.num() { if let actualFact = factList.get(index) { if actualFact.type() == fact.rawValue { return String(actualFact.stringify().dropFirst()) } } } return nil } } extension BindingsSendReport: E2ESendReportType { public var marshalled: Data { try! marshal() } public var timestamp: Int64 { getTimestampNano() } public var uniqueId: Data? { getMessageID() } public var roundURL: String { getRoundURL() } } public protocol DummyTrafficManaging { var status: Bool { get } func setStatus(status: Bool) } extension BindingsDummyTraffic: DummyTrafficManaging { public var status: Bool { getStatus() } public func setStatus(status: Bool) { try? setStatus(status) } }