import Models import XXModels import Bindings extension BindingsGroupChat: GroupManagerInterface { public func send(_ payload: Data, to group: Data) -> Result<(Int64, Data?, String), Error> { log(type: .crumbs) do { let report = try send(group, message: payload) return .success(( report.getRoundID(), report.getMessageID(), report.getRoundURL() )) } catch { return .failure(error) } } public func create( me: Data, name: String, welcome: String?, with ids: [Data], _ completion: @escaping (Result<Group, Error>) -> Void ) { log(type: .crumbs) let list = BindingsIdList() ids.forEach { try? list.add($0) } var welcomeData: Data? { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } if let welcome = welcome { welcomeData = .utf8) } let report = self.makeGroup(list, name: .utf8), message: welcomeData) if let status = report?.getStatus() { switch status { case 0: completion(.failure(NSError.create("An error occurred before any requests could be sent"))) return case 1, 2: // 1. All requests failed to send // 2. Some requests failed and some succeeded if let id = report?.getGroup()?.getID() { do { try self.resendRequest(id) fallthrough } catch { completion(.failure(error)) return } } case 3: // All good guard let group = report?.getGroup() else { let errorContent = "Couldn't get report from group, although status was 3." completion(.failure(NSError.create(errorContent))) log(string: errorContent, type: .error) return } completion(.success(.init( id: group.getID()!, name: name, leaderId: me, createdAt: Date(), authStatus: .participating, serialized: group.serialize()! ))) return default: break } } } } public func join(_ serializedGroup: Data) throws { try joinGroup(serializedGroup) } public func leave(_ groupId: Data) throws { try leaveGroup(groupId) } }