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Dariusz Rybicki's avatar
Dariusz Rybicki authored

Elixxir dApps Swift SDK

Swift 5.6 platform iOS

📱 Demo

Refer to this demo to see an example of how to build an app with the SDK to send E2E messages and send RestLike messsage.

Also you can checkout included example iOS application.

📖 Documentation

You can find full documentation with step by step guide here

🚀 Quick Start

Add ElixxirDAppsSDK library as a dependency to your project using Swift Package Manager.

▶️ Instantiating client

Create a new client and store it on disk:

let downloadNDF: NDFDownloader = .live
let createClient: ClientCreator = .live
try createClient(
  directoryURL: ...,
  ndf: try downloadNDF(.mainnet),
  password: ...

Load existing client from disk:

let loadClient: ClientLoader = .live
let client = try loadClient(
  directoryURL: ..., 
  password: ...

You can also use a convenient ClientStorage wrapper to manage a client stored on disk:

let storage: ClientStorage = .live(
  passwordStorage: .init(
    save: { password in
      // securely save provided client's password
    load: {
      // load securely stored client's password
let client: Client
if storage.hasStoredClient() {
  client = try storage.loadClient()
} else {
  client = try storage.createClient()

Check out included example iOS application for the PasswordStorage implementation that uses the iOS keychain.

▶️ Connecting to the network

Start network follower:

let client: Client = ...
try client.networkFollower.start(timeoutMS: 10_000)

Wait until connected:

let client: Client = ...
let isNetworkHealthy = client.waitForNetwork(timeoutMS: 30_000)

▶️ Making a new identity

Use the client to make a new identity:

let client: Client = ...
let myIdentity = try client.makeIdentity()

▶️ Create new E2E client

let client: Client = ...
let clientE2E = try client)

▶️ Connecting to remote

Perform auth key negotiation with the given recipient to get the Connection:

let client: Client = ...
let clientE2E: ClientE2E = ...
let connection = try client.connect(
  withAuthentication: false,
  recipientContact: ..., 
  e2eId: clientE2E.getId()

Pass true for the withAuthentication parameter if you want to prove id ownership to remote as well.

▶️ Sending messages

Send a message to the connection's partner:

let connection: Connection = ...
let report = try connection.send(
  messageType: 1, 
  payload: ...

Check if the round succeeded:

let client: Client = ...
try client.waitForDelivery(roundList: ..., timeoutMS: 30_000) { result in
  switch result {
    case .delivered(let roundResults):
    case .notDelivered(let timedOut):

▶️ Receiving messages

Use connection's message listener to receive messages from partner:

let connection: Connection = ...
connection.listen(messageType: 1) { message in

▶️ Using rest-like API

Use RestlikeRequestSender to perform rest-like requests:

let client: Client = ...
let connection: Connection = ...
let sendRestlike: RestlikeRequestSender = .live(authenticated: false)
let response = try sendRestlike(
  clientId: client.getId(),
  connectionId: connection.getId(),
  request: ...

Pass true for the authenticated parameter if you want to perform authenticated requests.

🛠️ Development

Open ElixxirDAppsSDK.xcworkspace in Xcode (≥13.4).

Project structure

ElixxirDAppsSDK [Xcode Workspace]
 ├─ elixxir-dapps-sdk-swift [Swift Package]
 |   └─ ElixxirDAppsSDK [Library]
 └─ Example [Xcode Project]
     ├─ ExampleApp (iOS) [iOS App Target]
     ├─ example-app [Swift Package]
     |   ├─ AppFeature [Library]
     |   └─ ...
     └─ example-app-icon [Swift Package] 
         ├─ ExampleAppIcon [Library]
         └─ example-app-icon-export [Executable]

Build schemes

  • Use exlixxir-dapps-sdk-swift scheme to build and test the package with ElixxirDAppsSDK library.
  • Use ExampleApp (iOS) to build and run the example app.
  • Use example-app scheme to build and test the example app package with all contained libraries.
  • Use ExampleAppIcon scheme with macOS target to build and preview the example app icon.
  • Use example-app-icon-export scheme with macOS target to build and update the example app icon.
  • Use other schemes, like AppFeature, for building and testing individual libraries in isolation.

📄 License

Copyright © 2022 xx network SEZC
