diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/Info.plist b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/Info.plist
index 5da456bbdabbf3d610daca4ce17734b523413a53..3c96df61083ca794226526858401b4539235d6ba 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/Info.plist
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/Info.plist
@@ -6,30 +6,30 @@
-			<string>ios-arm64</string>
+			<string>ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator</string>
+				<string>x86_64</string>
+			<key>SupportedPlatformVariant</key>
+			<string>simulator</string>
-			<string>ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator</string>
+			<string>ios-arm64</string>
-				<string>x86_64</string>
-			<key>SupportedPlatformVariant</key>
-			<string>simulator</string>
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Bindings
index 6c713c0a29df32c25e672ea423b69d2f3302a7d3..2de9241214c92b0aa1a05ad54ffae8809ca95630 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings
index 6c713c0a29df32c25e672ea423b69d2f3302a7d3..2de9241214c92b0aa1a05ad54ffae8809ca95630 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings
index 6c713c0a29df32c25e672ea423b69d2f3302a7d3..2de9241214c92b0aa1a05ad54ffae8809ca95630 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Bindings
index 0dd9f35d8b927120deebacab44059582c9c5d6e1..4f31dbcdb6f2ad5e3770b3e1ae83bd357af3b86e 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings
index 0dd9f35d8b927120deebacab44059582c9c5d6e1..4f31dbcdb6f2ad5e3770b3e1ae83bd357af3b86e 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings
index 0dd9f35d8b927120deebacab44059582c9c5d6e1..4f31dbcdb6f2ad5e3770b3e1ae83bd357af3b86e 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 95abda08aef8a8ae70959fa415fa40fd9ea80d88..69e7f37899f035936b8e7b85fda664705f84e954 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 @class BindingsAuthenticatedConnection;
+@class BindingsBroadcastMessage;
+@class BindingsBroadcastReport;
+@class BindingsChannel;
+@class BindingsChannelDef;
 @class BindingsCmix;
 @class BindingsConnection;
 @class BindingsE2ESendReport;
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@
 @class BindingsSingleUseSendReport;
 @protocol BindingsAuthCallbacks;
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @protocol BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -66,26 +72,48 @@
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+@protocol BindingsBroadcastListener <NSObject>
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @protocol BindingsClientError <NSObject>
 - (void)report:(NSString* _Nullable)source message:(NSString* _Nullable)message trace:(NSString* _Nullable)trace;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
 @protocol BindingsListener <NSObject>
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -108,6 +136,13 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
 @protocol BindingsReceiveFileCallback <NSObject>
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
@@ -144,8 +179,114 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
- * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile Cmix interface
+ * BroadcastMessage is the bindings representation of a broadcast message.
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61],
+  "Payload":"SGVsbG8sIGJyb2FkY2FzdCBmcmllbmRzIQ=="
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+// skipped field BroadcastMessage.BroadcastReport with unsupported type: gitlab.com/elixxir/client/bindings.BroadcastReport
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable payload;
+ * BroadcastReport is the bindings representation of the info on how a broadcast message was sent
+Example JSON:
+ {"RoundID":42,
+  "EphID":[0,0,0,0,0,0,24,61]
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) long roundID;
+// skipped field BroadcastReport.EphID with unsupported type: gitlab.com/xx_network/primitives/id/ephemeral.Id
+ * Channel is a bindings-level struct encapsulating the broadcast.Channel client object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannel : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+ * Broadcast sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using symmetric broadcast.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcast:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * BroadcastAsymmetric sends a given payload over the broadcast channel using asymmetric broadcast.
+This mode of encryption requires a private key.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)broadcastAsymmetric:(NSData* _Nullable)payload pk:(NSData* _Nullable)pk error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Get returns the result of calling json.Marshal on a ChannelDef based on the underlying crypto broadcast.Channel.
+ */
+- (NSData* _Nullable)get:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * Listen registers a BroadcastListener for a given method.
+This allows users to handle incoming broadcast messages.
+ - l - BroadcastListener object
+ - method - int corresponding to broadcast.Method constant, 0 for symmetric or 1 for asymmetric
+ */
+- (BOOL)listen:(id<BindingsBroadcastListener> _Nullable)l method:(long)method error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxAsymmetricPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxAsymmetricPayloadSize;
+ * MaxPayloadSize returns the maximum possible payload size which can be broadcast.
+ */
+- (long)maxPayloadSize;
+ * Stop stops the channel from listening for more messages.
+ */
+- (void)stop;
+ * ChannelDef is the bindings representation of an elixxir/crypto broadcast.Channel object.
+Example JSON:
+ {"Name": "My broadcast channel",
+  "Description":"A broadcast channel for me to test things",
+  "Salt":"gpUqW7N22sffMXsvPLE7BA==",
+ }
+ */
+@interface BindingsChannelDef : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull name;
+@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull description;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable salt;
+@property (nonatomic) NSData* _Nullable pubKey;
+ * Cmix wraps the xxdk.Cmix struct, implementing additional functions to support
+the bindings Cmix interface.
 @interface BindingsCmix : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -154,104 +295,122 @@ to support the gomobile Cmix interface
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * AddHealthCallback registers the network health callback to be called
-any time the network health changes. Returns a unique ID that can be used to
-unregister the network health callback.
+ * AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
+health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 - (int64_t)addHealthCallback:(id<BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> _Nullable)nhc;
- * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient,
-and returns a Connection object for the newly-created partner.Manager
+ * Connect performs auth key negotiation with the given recipient and returns a
+Connection object for the newly created partner.Manager.
 This function is to be used sender-side and will block until the
 partner.Manager is confirmed.
-recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
-myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
+ - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the e2e tracker
+ - recipientContact - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - myIdentity - marshalled ReceptionIdentity object
 - (BindingsConnection* _Nullable)connect:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
 - (BindingsAuthenticatedConnection* _Nullable)connectWithAuthentication:(long)e2eId recipientContact:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientContact e2eParamsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)e2eParamsJSON error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * GetID returns the ID for this Cmix in the cmixTracker.
+ */
 - (long)getID;
- * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running.
-returns true if none are running. This is meant to be
-used when NetworkFollowerStatus() returns Stopping.
-Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can
-block indefiently, it may not enter the stopped
-state apropreatly. This can be used instead.
+ * HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns
+true if one or more are.
+This is meant to be used when NetworkFollowerStatus returns xxdk.Stopping.
+Due to the handling of comms on iOS, where the OS can block indefinitely, it
+may not enter the stopped state appropriately. This can be used instead.
 - (BOOL)hasRunningProcessies;
  * IsHealthy returns true if the network is read to be in a healthy state where
-messages can be sent
+messages can be sent.
 - (BOOL)isHealthy;
- * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeLegacyReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving messages
+ * MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
 - (NSData* _Nullable)makeReceptionIdentity:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Gets the state of the network follower. Returns:
-Stopped 	- 0
-Starting - 1000
-Running	- 2000
-Stopping	- 3000
+ * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
+status with the following values:
+ Stopped  - 0
+ Running  - 2000
+ Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
  * RegisterClientErrorCallback registers the callback to handle errors from the
-long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower
+long-running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and
 - (void)registerClientErrorCallback:(id<BindingsClientError> _Nullable)clientError;
+ * RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.
+ */
 - (void)removeHealthCallback:(int64_t)funcID;
- * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts
-long running network client threads and returns an object for checking
-state and stopping those threads.
-Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to
+ * StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long-
+running network threads and returns an object for checking state and
+stopping those threads.
+Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep.
 These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
-they are stopped if there is no internet access
+they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
   - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
+  	tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
   - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-		Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
+		retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
 	 - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-		Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes
+		requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last
+		nodes.
 	 - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-		Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
-	 - health Tracker (/network/health)
-		Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
+		decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+	 - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+		via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
 	 - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-		Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+		uses a message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-		Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent
-		Uses a message store on disk for persistence
+		ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a
+		message store on disk for persistence.
 	 - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-		Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
+		responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
   - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-		Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
+		responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+     handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running.
-It returns errors if the Follower is in the wrong status to stop or if it
-fails to stop it.
-if the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will
+ * StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns
+an error if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop
+if the network follower is running and this fails, the Cmix object will
 most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
 - (BOOL)stopNetworkFollower:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForMessageDelivery allows the caller to get notified if the rounds a
 message was sent in successfully completed. Under the hood, this uses an API
-which uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
+that uses the internal round data, network historical round lookup, and
 waiting on network events to determine what has (or will) occur.
-The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs
+The callbacks will return at timeoutMS if no state update occurs.
 This function takes the marshaled send report to ensure a memory leak does
 not occur as a result of both sides of the bindings holding a reference to
@@ -259,14 +418,15 @@ the same pointer.
 - (BOOL)waitForMessageDelivery:(NSData* _Nullable)roundList mdc:(id<BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> _Nullable)mdc timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * WaitForNewtwork will block until either the network is healthy or the
-passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
+ * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
+timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
 - (BOOL)waitForNetwork:(long)timeoutMS;
- * Connection is the bindings representation of a connect.Connection object that can be tracked by id
+ * Connection is the bindings' representation of a connect.Connection object
+that can be tracked by ID.
 @interface BindingsConnection : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -275,36 +435,37 @@ passed timeout. It will return true if the network is healthy
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
- * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources
+ * Close deletes this Connection's partner.Manager and releases resources.
 - (BOOL)close:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetId returns the Connection.id
+ * GetId returns the Connection ID.
 - (long)getId;
- * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection
+ * GetPartner returns the partner.Manager for this Connection.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getPartner;
- * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception
-and allows for reading data sent from the partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled ListenerID
+ * RegisterListener is used for E2E reception and allows for reading data sent
+from the partner.Manager.
 - (BOOL)registerListener:(long)messageType newListener:(id<BindingsListener> _Nullable)newListener error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's partner.Manager
-Returns marshalled E2ESendReport
+ * SendE2E is a wrapper for sending specifically to the Connection's
+partner.Manager. Returns a marshalled E2ESendReport.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)sendE2E:(long)mt payload:(NSData* _Nullable)payload error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * E2ESendReport is the bindings representation of the return values of SendE2E
+ * E2ESendReport is the bindings' representation of the return values of
 Example E2ESendReport:
- "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
- "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
+ {"Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "MessageID":"51Yy47uZbP0o2Y9B/kkreDLTB6opUol3M3mYiY2dcdQ=",
+  "Timestamp":1653582683183384000}
 @interface BindingsE2ESendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -320,8 +481,8 @@ Example E2ESendReport:
- * E2e BindingsClient wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
-to support the gomobile E2e interface
+ * E2e wraps the xxdk.E2e, implementing additional functions
+to support the bindings E2e interface.
 @interface BindingsE2e : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -338,15 +499,14 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)addPartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID cb:(id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given
-tag, which will call back on the given processor. These can
-be sent to using the tag fields in the Params Object
-Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a
-service which is never called but will be visible by
-notifications. Processes added this way are generally not
-end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other
-protocols which piggyback on e2e relationships to start
+ * AddService adds a service for all partners of the given tag, which will call
+back on the given processor. These can be sent to using the tag fields in the
+Params object.
+Passing nil for the processor allows you to create a service that is never
+called but will be visible by notifications. Processes added this way are
+generally not end-to-end encrypted messages themselves, but other protocols
+that piggyback on e2e relationships to start communication.
 - (BOOL)addService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag processor:(id<BindingsProcessor> _Nullable)processor error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -358,24 +518,28 @@ replay them on the callbacks.
  * Confirm sends a confirmation for a received request. It can only be called
 once. This both sends keying material to the other party and creates a
 channel in the e2e handler, after which e2e messages can be sent to the
-partner using e2e.Handler.SendE2E.
+partner using E2e.SendE2E.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
-A confirm cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who is
-already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
-If the confirm must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
+A confirmation cannot be sent for a contact who has not sent a request or who
+is already a partner. This can only be called once for a specific contact.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
+If the confirmation must be resent, use ReplayConfirm.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)confirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteAllRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -387,7 +551,8 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deletePartnerCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteReceiveRequests clears all received requests from auth
 - (BOOL)deleteReceiveRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -398,144 +563,162 @@ Parameters:
 - (BOOL)deleteRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from client's auth storage.
+ * DeleteSentRequests clears all sent requests from auth storage.
 - (BOOL)deleteSentRequests:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the
-first payload
+ * FirstPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for the first
 - (long)firstPartitionSize;
- * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user has
-an E2E relationship with.
+ * GetAllPartnerIDs returns a marshalled list of all partner IDs that the user
+has an E2E relationship with.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the IdList object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getAllPartnerIDs:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e ReceptionIdentity
+ * GetContact returns a marshalled contact.Contact object for the E2e
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getContact;
- * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH Private Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPrivkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH private
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPrivkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled Historical DH
-Public Key
+ * GetHistoricalDHPubkey returns the user's marshalled historical DH public key.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the cyclic.Int object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getHistoricalDHPubkey:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object
+ * GetID returns the e2eTracker ID for the E2e object.
 - (long)getID;
- * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there's a received request for it.
+ * GetReceivedRequest returns a contact if there is a received request for it.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceivedRequest:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs
+ * GetReceptionID returns the marshalled default IDs.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getReceptionID;
  * HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel with the
-partner exists, otherwise returns false
+partner exists, otherwise returns false.
  - partnerId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
 - (BOOL)hasAuthenticatedChannel:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerId ret0_:(BOOL* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given
-payload index. The first payload is index 0.
+ * PartitionSize returns the partition payload size for the given payload index.
+The first payload is index 0.
 - (long)partitionSize:(long)payloadIndex;
- * PayloadSize Returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E
+ * PayloadSize returns the max payload size for a partitionable E2E message.
 - (long)payloadSize;
- * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag
+ * RemoveService removes all services for the given tag.
 - (BOOL)removeService:(NSString* _Nullable)tag error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * ReplayConfirm resends a confirm to the partner. It will fail to send if the
-send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
-The confirm sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails, it
-will be auto resend by the cMix client.
+ * ReplayConfirm resends a confirmation to the partner. It will fail to send if
+the send relationship with the partner has already ratcheted.
+The confirmation sends as a critical message; if the round it sends on fails,
+it will be auto resent by the cMix client.
 This will not be useful if either side has ratcheted.
  - partnerID - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)replayConfirm:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerID ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported e2e
-structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (will error if
-they are too long).
-The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm in order to be
-able to send messages using e2e.Handler.SendE2E. When the other party does
-so, the "confirm" callback will get called.
+ * Request sends a contact request from the user identity in the imported E2e
+structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will error
+if they are too long).
+The other party must accept the request by calling Confirm to be able to send
+messages using E2e.SendE2E. When the other party does so, the "confirm"
+callback will get called.
 The round the request is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
-The request sends as a critical message, if the round send on fails, it will
-be auto resent by the cMix client.
+The request sends as a critical message, if the round it sends on fails, it
+will be auto resent by the cMix client.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - myFacts - stringified list of fact.FactList.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
-- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact myFactsString:(NSString* _Nullable)myFactsString ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (BOOL)request:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact factsListJson:(NSData* _Nullable)factsListJson ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * Reset sends a contact reset request from the user identity in the imported
 e2e structure to the passed contact, as well as the passed facts (it will
 error if they are too long).
 This deletes all traces of the relationship with the partner from e2e and
 create a new relationship from scratch.
 The round the reset is initially sent on will be returned, but the request
 will be listed as a critical message, so the underlying cMix client will auto
 resend it in the event of failure.
 A request cannot be sent for a contact who has already received a request or
 who is already a partner.
  - partnerContact - the marshalled bytes of the contact.Contact object.
  - int64 - ID of the round (convert to uint64)
 - (BOOL)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)partnerContact ret0_:(int64_t* _Nullable)ret0_ error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all
-payloads after the first payload
+ * SecondPartitionSize returns the max partition payload size for all payloads
+after the first payload.
 - (long)secondPartitionSize;
- * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the
-recipient of the passed message type, per the given
-parameters - encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
-Default parameters can be retrieved through
+ * SendE2E send a message containing the payload to the recipient of the passed
+message type, per the given parameters--encrypted with end-to-end encryption.
  - recipientId - the marshalled bytes of the id.ID object.
  - e2eParams - the marshalled bytes of the e2e.Params object.
  - []byte - the marshalled bytes of the E2ESendReport object.
@@ -552,13 +735,16 @@ Parameters:
- * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event report
+ * EventReport is a public struct which represents the contents of an event
 Example JSON:
- "Category":"Test Events",
- "EventType":"Ping",
- "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ {
+  "Priority":1,
+  "Category":"Test Events",
+  "EventType":"Ping",
+  "Details":"This is an example of an event report"
+ }
 @interface BindingsEventReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -573,9 +759,13 @@ Example JSON:
- * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer
-example marshalled Fact:
+ * Fact is an internal fact type for use in the bindings layer.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Fact": "Zezima",
+  "Type": 0
+ }
 @interface BindingsFact : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -588,7 +778,7 @@ example marshalled Fact:
- * FilePartTracker contains the interfaces.FilePartTracker.
+ * FilePartTracker contains the fileTransfer.FilePartTracker.
 @interface BindingsFilePartTracker : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -602,23 +792,25 @@ example marshalled Fact:
 - (long)getNumParts;
  * GetPartStatus returns the status of the file part with the given part number.
 The possible values for the status are:
-0 = unsent
-1 = sent (sender has sent a part, but it has not arrived)
-2 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
-3 = received (receiver has received a part)
+ - 0 < Part does not exist
+ - 0 = unsent
+ - 1 = arrived (sender has sent a part, and it has arrived)
+ - 2 = received (receiver has received a part)
 - (long)getPartStatus:(long)partNum;
- * FileSend is a public struct which represents a file to be transferred
- "Name":"testfile.txt",  														// File name
- "Type":"text file",     														// File type
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",  											// Preview of contents
- "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw==" 	// Full contents of the file
+ * FileSend is a public struct that contains the file contents and its name,
+type, and preview.
+ {
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Contents":"VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZnVsbCBjb250ZW50cyBvZiB0aGUgZmlsZSBpbiBieXRlcw=="
+ }
 @interface BindingsFileSend : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -633,7 +825,8 @@ The possible values for the status are:
- * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface
+ * FileTransfer object is a bindings-layer struct which wraps a
+fileTransfer.FileTransfer interface.
 @interface BindingsFileTransfer : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -643,59 +836,89 @@ The possible values for the status are:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
  * CloseSend deletes a file from the internal storage once a transfer has
-completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer
-has not run out of retries.
+completed or reached the retry limit. Returns an error if the transfer has
+not run out of retries.
-This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out
-(as reported by the progress callback).
+This function should be called once a transfer completes or errors out (as
+reported by the progress callback).
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (BOOL)closeSend:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+ * MaxFileNameLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file name.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileNameLen;
+ * MaxFileSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileSize;
+ * MaxFileTypeLen returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file type.
+ */
 - (long)maxFileTypeLen;
+ * MaxPreviewSize returns the max number of bytes allowed for a file preview.
+ */
 - (long)maxPreviewSize;
- * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer.
-It deletes internal references to the data and unregisters any attached
-progress callback. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the
-full file cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
+ * Receive returns the full file on the completion of the transfer. It deletes
+internal references to the data and unregisters any attached progress
+callbacks. Returns an error if the transfer is not complete, the full file
+cannot be verified, or if the transfer cannot be found.
 Receive can only be called once the progress callback returns that the
 file transfer is complete.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
 - (NSData* _Nullable)receive:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a
-callback to track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
-This should be done when a new transfer is received on the
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress and period between retries
+ * RegisterReceivedProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
+track the progress of an individual received file transfer.
+This should be done when a new transfer is received on the ReceiveCallback.
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerReceivedProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * RegisterSentProgressCallback allows for the registration of a callback to
 track the progress of an individual sent file transfer.
 SentProgressCallback is auto registered on Send; this function should be
 called when resuming clients or registering extra callbacks.
-Accepts ID of the transfer, callback for transfer progress,
-and period between retries
+ - tidBytes - file transfer ID
+ - callback - callback that reports file reception progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
 - (BOOL)registerSentProgressCallback:(NSData* _Nullable)tidBytes callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a File
- FileSend JSON payload
- Marshalled recipient ID
- Marshalled e2e Params JSON
- Number of retries allowed
- Limit on duration between retries
- FileTransferSentProgressCallback interface
+ * Send is the bindings-level function for sending a file.
+ - payload - JSON marshalled FileSend
+ - recipientID - marshalled recipient id.ID
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled e2e.Params
+ - retry - number of retries allowed
+ - callback - callback that reports file sending progress
+ - period - duration to wait between progress callbacks triggering
+ - []byte - unique file transfer ID
-- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID paramsJSON:(NSData* _Nullable)paramsJSON retry:(float)retry period:(NSString* _Nullable)period callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
+- (NSData* _Nullable)send:(NSData* _Nullable)payload recipientID:(NSData* _Nullable)recipientID retry:(float)retry callback:(id<BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> _Nullable)callback period:(NSString* _Nullable)period error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects
+ * IdList is a wrapper for a list of marshalled id.ID objects.
 @interface BindingsIdList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -708,16 +931,19 @@ Accepts:
- * Message is the bindings representation of a receive.Message
-Example Message format:
- "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
- "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
- "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
- "Encrypted":false,
- "RoundId":19}
+ * Message is the bindings' representation of a receive.Message.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "MessageType":1,
+  "ID":"EB/70R5HYEw5htZ4Hg9ondrn3+cAc/lH2G0mjQMja3w=",
+  "Payload":"7TzZKgNphT5UooNM7mDSwtVcIs8AIu4vMKm4ld6GSR8YX5GrHirixUBAejmsgdroRJyo06TkIVef7UM9FN8YfQ==",
+  "EphemeralID":17,"Timestamp":1653580439357351000,
+  "Encrypted":false,
+  "RoundId":19
+ }
 @interface BindingsMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -737,13 +963,16 @@ Example Message format:
- * Progress is a public struct which represents the progress of an in-progress file transfer
+ * Progress is a public struct that represents the progress of an in-progress
+file transfer.
 Example JSON:
-{"Completed":false,	// Status of transfer (true if done)
- "Transmitted":128,	// Bytes transferred so far
- "Total":2048,		// Total size of file
- "Err":null			// Error status (if any)
+ {
+  "Completed":false,
+  "Transmitted":128,
+  "Total":2048,
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsProgress : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -758,16 +987,18 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceivedFile is a public struct which represents the contents of an incoming file
+ * ReceivedFile is a public struct that contains the metadata of a new file
 Example JSON:
- "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=", // ID of the incoming transfer for receiving
- "SenderID":"emV6aW1hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD",   // ID of sender of incoming file
- "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",                        // Preview of the incoming file
- "Name":"testfile.txt",                                       // Name of incoming file
- "Type":"text file",                                          // Incoming file type
- "Size":2048                                                  // Incoming file size
+ {
+  "TransferID":"B4Z9cwU18beRoGbk5xBjbcd5Ryi9ZUFA2UBvi8FOHWo=",
+  "Preview":"aXQncyBtZSBhIHByZXZpZXc=",
+  "Name":"testfile.txt",
+  "Type":"text file",
+  "Size":2048
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceivedFile : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -784,16 +1015,15 @@ Example JSON:
- * ReceptionIdentity struct
-Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- // RSA Private key (PEM format)
- // Salt for identity (base64)
- "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
- // DH Private key
+ * ReceptionIdentity struct.
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Salt":"4kk02v0NIcGtlobZ/xkxqWz8uH/ams/gjvQm14QT0dI=",
+ }
 @interface BindingsReceptionIdentity : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -808,14 +1038,17 @@ Example marshalled ReceptionIdentity:
- * RestlikeMessage is the bindings representation of a restlike.Message
-Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
+ * RestlikeMessage is the bindings' representation of a restlike.Message
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Version":1,
+  "Headers":"Y29udGVudHM6YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
+  "Content":"VGhpcyBpcyBhIHJlc3RsaWtlIG1lc3NhZ2U=",
+  "Method":2,
+  "URI":"xx://CmixRestlike/rest",
+  "Error":""
+ }
 @interface BindingsRestlikeMessage : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -833,8 +1066,10 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
- * Example marshalled roundList object:
+ * RoundsList contains a list of round IDs.
+Example marshalled roundList object:
+ [1001,1003,1006]
 @interface BindingsRoundsList : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -844,19 +1079,24 @@ Example marshalled RestlikeMessage:
 - (nonnull instancetype)init;
 // skipped field RoundsList.Rounds with unsupported type: []int
+ * Marshal JSON marshals the RoundsList.
+ */
 - (NSData* _Nullable)marshal:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
- * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings struct used to represent single use messages
-received by a callback passed into single.Listen
+ * SingleUseCallbackReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+single -use messages received by a callback passed into single.Listen.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallbackReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -875,15 +1115,18 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings struct used to represent information passed
-to the single.Response callback interface in response to single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseResponseReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information passed to the single.Response callback interface in response to
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
- "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
- "Err":null}
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "Payload":"rSuPD35ELWwm5KTR9ViKIz/r1YGRgXIl5792SF8o8piZzN6sT4Liq4rUU/nfOPvQEjbfWNh/NYxdJ72VctDnWw==",
+  "ReceptionID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+  "Err":null
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponseReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -901,12 +1144,15 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings struct used to represent information returned by single.TransmitRequest
+ * SingleUseSendReport is the bindings-layer struct used to represent
+information returned by single.TransmitRequest.
-Example json marshalled struct:
- "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+JSON example:
+ {
+  "Rounds":[1,5,9],
+  "EphID":{"EphId":[0,0,0,0,0,0,3,89],
+ }
 @interface BindingsSingleUseSendReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -922,147 +1168,187 @@ Example json marshalled struct:
- * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts e2e client ID, marshalled contact object as recipient,
-marshalled RestlikeMessage, marshalled Params json, and a RestlikeCallback
+ * AsyncRequestRestLike sends an asynchronous restlike request to a given
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - cb - RestlikeCallback callback
 Returns an error, and the RestlikeCallback will be called with the results
-of json marshalling the response when received
+of JSON marshalling the response when received.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsAsyncRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsRestlikeCallback> _Nullable cb, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL.
-The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which
-is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled
-byte data which may be used to start a client.
+The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature that is verified
+using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data
+that may be used to start a client.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsDownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(NSString* _Nullable url, NSString* _Nullable cert, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging
+ * EnableGrpcLogs sets GRPC trace logging.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsEnableGrpcLogs(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based
-pseudorandom number generator. It takes 1 parameter, `numBytes`,
-which should be set to 32, but can be set higher in certain cases.
+ * GenerateSecret creates a secret password using a system-based pseudorandom
+number generator.
+ - numBytes - The size of secret. It should be set to 32, but can be set
+  higher in certain cases.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGenerateSecret(long numBytes);
- * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-CMIX parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change CMIX settings.
+ * GetDefaultCMixParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the cMix
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change cMix settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultCMixParams(void);
- * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the
-E2E parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change E2E settings.
+ * GetDefaultE2EParams returns a JSON serialized object with all of the E2E
+parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify the JSON
+to change E2E settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2EParams(void);
+ * GetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
+e2e file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultE2eFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultFileTransferParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-File transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change file transfer settings.
+file transfer parameters and their default values. Call this function and
+modify the JSON to change file transfer settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultFileTransferParams(void);
  * GetDefaultSingleUseParams returns a JSON serialized object with all the
-single use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
-the json to change single use settings.
+single-use parameters and their default values. Call this function and modify
+the JSON to change single use settings.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetDefaultSingleUseParams(void);
- * GetDependencies returns the api DEPENDENCIES
+ * GetDependencies returns the xxdk.DEPENDENCIES.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetDependencies(void);
- * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object, returning its marshalled list of Fact objects
+ * GetFactsFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+its marshalled list of Fact objects.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetFactsFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetGitVersion rturns the api GITVERSION
+ * GetGitVersion returns the xxdk.GITVERSION.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetGitVersion(void);
- * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a marshalled id.ID object
+ * GetIDFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns a
+marshalled id.ID object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetIDFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & returns a json marshalled large.Int DhPubKey
+ * GetPubkeyFromContact accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object and returns
+a JSON marshalled large.Int DH public key.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetPubkeyFromContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * GetVersion returns the api SEMVER
+ * GetVersion returns the xxdk.SEMVER.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString* _Nonnull BindingsGetVersion(void);
- * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level File Transfer manager
-Accepts e2e client ID and marshalled params JSON
+ * InitFileTransfer creates a bindings-level file transfer manager.
+ - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled fileTransfer.Params
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsFileTransfer* _Nullable BindingsInitFileTransfer(long e2eID, id<BindingsReceiveFileCallback> _Nullable receiveFileCallback, NSData* _Nullable e2eFileTransferParamsJson, NSData* _Nullable fileTransferParamsJson, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 // skipped function Listen with unsupported parameter or return types
- * LoadCmix will load an existing client from the storageDir
-using the password. This will fail if the client doesn't exist or
-the password is incorrect.
-The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from
-memory and stored as securely as possible using the memguard library.
-LoadCmix does not block on network connection, and instead loads and
-starts subprocesses to perform network operations.
+ * LoadCmix will load an existing user storage from the storageDir using the password.
+This will fail if the user storage does not exist or the password is incorrect.
+The password is passed as a byte array so that it can be cleared from memory
+and stored as securely as possible using the MemGuard library.
+LoadCmix does not block on network connection and instead loads and starts
+subprocesses to perform network operations.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsCmix* _Nullable BindingsLoadCmix(NSString* _Nullable storageDir, NSData* _Nullable password, NSData* _Nullable cmixParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
+ * LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsLoadReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * sets level of logging. All logs the set level and above will be displayed
-options are:
-	TRACE		- 0
-	DEBUG		- 1
-	INFO 		- 2
-	WARN		- 3
-	ERROR		- 4
-	FATAL		- 6
-The default state without updates is: INFO
+ * LogLevel sets level of logging. All logs at the set level and below will be
+displayed (e.g., when log level is ERROR, only ERROR, CRITICAL, and FATAL
+messages will be printed).
+Log level options:
+	TRACE    - 0
+	DEBUG    - 1
+	INFO     - 2
+	WARN     - 3
+	ERROR    - 4
+	FATAL    - 6
+The default log level without updates is INFO.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsLogLevel(long level, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * Login creates and returns a new E2e object and adds it to the
+e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity and passed in here. If callbacks is left nil, a
+default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLogin(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to the e2eTrackerSingleton
-identity should be created via MakeReceptionIdentity() or MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity() and passed in here
-If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used
+ * LoginEphemeral creates and returns a new ephemeral E2e object and adds it to
+the e2eTrackerSingleton. identity should be created via
+Cmix.MakeReceptionIdentity or Cmix.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity and passed in
+here. If callbacks is left nil, a default auth.Callbacks will be used.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsE2e* _Nullable BindingsLoginEphemeral(long cmixId, id<BindingsAuthCallbacks> _Nullable callbacks, NSData* _Nullable identity, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * NewCmix creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
+ * NewBroadcastChannel creates a bindings-layer broadcast channel & starts listening for new messages
+ - cmixId - internal ID of cmix
+ - channelDefinition - JSON marshalled ChannelDef object
+ */
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsChannel* _Nullable BindingsNewBroadcastChannel(long cmixId, NSData* _Nullable channelDefinition, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+ * NewCmix creates user storage, generates keys, connects, and registers
 with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but
 merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information
 at a later date.
@@ -1077,48 +1363,85 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsNewCmix(NSString* _Nullable ndfJSON, NSString* _N
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void BindingsRegisterLogWriter(id<BindingsLogWriter> _Nullable writer);
- * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact
-Accepts marshalled contact object as recipient, marshalled RestlikeMessage and params JSON
-Returns json marshalled restlike.Message & error
+ * RequestRestLike sends a restlike request to a given contact.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRequestRestLike(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequest performs a normal restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - connectionID - ID of the connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long clientID, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequest(long cmixId, long connectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request
-request - marshalled RestlikeMessage
-Returns marshalled result RestlikeMessage
+ * RestlikeRequestAuth performs an authenticated restlike request.
+ - cmixId - ID of the cMix object in the tracker
+ - authConnectionID - ID of the authenticated connection in the tracker
+ - request - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
+ - e2eParamsJSON - JSON marshalled xxdk.E2EParams
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled RestlikeMessage
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long clientID, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsRestlikeRequestAuth(long cmixId, long authConnectionID, NSData* _Nullable request, NSData* _Nullable e2eParamsJSON, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
-pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts
-Accepts a marshalled contact.Contact object & a marshalled list of Fact objects
+pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
+ - marshaled - JSON marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - facts - JSON marshalled Fact object.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsSetFactsOnContact(NSData* _Nullable marshaled, NSData* _Nullable facts, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the given key
-This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller of this function
-is only required to store the given key separately rather than the keying material
+ * StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
+given key.  This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
+of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
+than the keying material.
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsStoreReceptionIdentity(NSString* _Nullable key, NSData* _Nullable identity, long cmixId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
- * TransmitSingleUse accepts a marshalled recipient contact object, tag, payload, params JSON, SingleUseResponse callback func & a
-Client.  Transmits payload to recipient via single use
+ * TransmitSingleUse transmits payload to recipient via single-use.
+ - e2eID - ID of the e2e object in the tracker
+ - recipient - marshalled contact.Contact object
+ - tag - identifies the single-use message
+ - payload - message contents
+ - paramsJSON - JSON marshalled single.RequestParams
+ - responseCB - the callback that will be called when a response is received
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled SingleUseSendReport
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData* _Nullable recipient, NSString* _Nullable tag, NSData* _Nullable payload, NSData* _Nullable paramsJSON, id<BindingsSingleUseResponse> _Nullable responseCB, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
 @class BindingsAuthCallbacks;
+@class BindingsBroadcastListener;
 @class BindingsClientError;
 @class BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback;
@@ -1158,6 +1481,18 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
 - (void)reset:(NSData* _Nullable)contact receptionId:(NSData* _Nullable)receptionId ephemeralId:(int64_t)ephemeralId roundId:(int64_t)roundId;
+ * BroadcastListener is the public function type bindings can use to listen for broadcast messages.
+It accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a BroadcastMessage object.
+ */
+@interface BindingsBroadcastListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsBroadcastListener> {
+@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+- (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)p0 p1:(NSError* _Nullable)p1;
 @interface BindingsClientError : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsClientError> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
@@ -1167,34 +1502,50 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
- * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a received file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferReceiveProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that is
+called with the progress of a received file.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferReceiveProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called with the progress of a sending file
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a Progress struct & a FilePartTracker interface
+ * FileTransferSentProgressCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains
+a callback that is called when the sent progress updates.
 @interface BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsFileTransferSentProgressCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a file part is sent or an error occurs.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a Progress object.
+ - t - tracker that allows the lookup of the status of any file part
+ - err - any errors that occurred during sending
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload t:(BindingsFilePartTracker* _Nullable)t err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * Listener provides a callback to hear a message
-An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client
-gets a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration
+ * Listener provides a callback to hear a message.
+An object implementing this interface can be called back when the client gets
+a message of the type that the registerer specified at registration time.
 @interface BindingsListener : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsListener> {
@@ -1202,12 +1553,14 @@ time.
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI
-Accepts a marshalled Message object
+ * Hear is called to receive a message in the UI.
+ - item - JSON marshalled Message object
 - (void)hear:(NSData* _Nullable)item;
- * Name returns a name, used for debugging
+ * Name returns a name; used for debugging.
 - (NSString* _Nonnull)name;
@@ -1223,8 +1576,11 @@ Accepts a marshalled Message object
  * MessageDeliveryCallback gets called on the determination if all events
 related to a message send were successful.
 If delivered == true, timedOut == false && roundResults != nil
 If delivered == false, roundResults == nil
 If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
 @interface BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsMessageDeliveryCallback> {
@@ -1236,8 +1592,8 @@ If timedOut == true, delivered == false && roundResults == nil
- * A callback when which is used to receive notification if network health
+ * NetworkHealthCallback contains a callback that is used to receive
+notification if network health changes.
 @interface BindingsNetworkHealthCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsNetworkHealthCallback> {
@@ -1260,20 +1616,30 @@ changes
- * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface which is called when a file is received
-Accepts the result of calling json.Marshal on a ReceivedFile struct
+ * ReceiveFileCallback is a bindings-layer interface that contains a callback
+that is called when a file is received.
 @interface BindingsReceiveFileCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReceiveFileCallback> {
 @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
 - (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
+ * Callback is called when a new file transfer is received.
+ - payload - the JSON marshalled bytes of a ReceivedFile object.
+ - err - any errors that occurred during reception
+ */
 - (void)callback:(NSData* _Nullable)payload err:(NSError* _Nullable)err;
- * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface which receives info from the Event Manager
-Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
+ * ReporterFunc is a bindings-layer interface that receives info from the Event
+ - payload - JSON marshalled EventReport object
 @interface BindingsReporterFunc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsReporterFunc> {
@@ -1284,8 +1650,12 @@ Accepts result of json.Marshal on an EventReport object
- * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an asynchronous restlike request
-It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
+ * RestlikeCallback is the public function type bindings can use to make an
+asynchronous restlike request.
+ - []byte - JSON marshalled restlike.Message
+ - error - an error (the results of calling json.Marshal on the message)
 @interface BindingsRestlikeCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsRestlikeCallback> {
@@ -1296,8 +1666,11 @@ It accepts a json marshalled restlike.Message and an error (the results of calli
- * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are received
-Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseCallback func is passed into Listen and called when messages are
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseCallbackReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseCallback> {
@@ -1308,8 +1681,11 @@ Accepts a SingleUseCallbackReport marshalled to json
- * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback func passed by bindings clients into TransmitSingleUse
-Accepts a SingleUseResponseReport marshalled to json
+ * SingleUseResponse is the public facing callback function passed by bindings
+clients into TransmitSingleUse.
+ - callbackReport - JSON marshalled SingleUseResponseReport
 @interface BindingsSingleUseResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsSingleUseResponse> {