diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.txt b/Frameworks/Bindings.txt
index 3a8cba407a495f4cd0879163424354ad892288a8..4912704fb0efb23f963a877e744986cebfe69643 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.txt
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 go version go1.19.3 darwin/arm64
 Xcode 14.1 Build version 14B47b
 gomobile bind target: ios,iossimulator,macos
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings
index 8cdc2383f845d819e27a1ed7588b996dc86a8394..56488f086f23033b2de898f5351a0e51dc20a465 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 0870dbbbb626c1dc4c5e030f6fec29a9e363c6cb..5ef1f9b380057f5619cbfa5de176fb5a956c1ec6 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -862,9 +862,9 @@ health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 registrations up to the initialized maximum.
- - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
-   registrations before failing.
+  - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
+    registrations before failing.
 - (BOOL)changeNumberOfNodeRegistrations:(long)toRun timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -889,11 +889,11 @@ Parameters:
  * GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns the current state of node registration.
- - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
-   nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
-   NDF.
- - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
-   cause is that the network is unhealthy.
+  - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
+    nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
+    NDF.
+  - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
+    cause is that the network is unhealthy.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getNodeRegistrationStatus:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -907,13 +907,14 @@ of this call. Note that this list may change and is subject to race
 conditions if multiple threads are in the process of starting or stopping.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
 JSON Example:
- {
-   "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
-   "MessageReception Worker 0"
- }
+	{
+	  "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
+	  "MessageReception Worker 0"
+	}
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getRunningProcesses:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -936,11 +937,11 @@ completed. If not all have completed, then it returns false and howClose will
 be a percent (0-1) of node registrations completed.
- - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
-   be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
+  - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
+    be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
- - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
+  - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
 - (NSData* _Nullable)isReady:(double)percentReady error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -957,9 +958,10 @@ messages.
  * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
 status with the following values:
- Stopped  - 0
- Running  - 2000
- Stopping - 3000
+	Stopped  - 0
+	Running  - 2000
+	Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
@@ -967,8 +969,8 @@ status with the following values:
 resume them.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
-   before failing.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
+    before failing.
 - (BOOL)pauseNodeRegistrations:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -998,28 +1000,28 @@ These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
 they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
- - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-   tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
- - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-   retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
- - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-	  requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
- - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-	  decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
-	- Health Tracker (/network/health),
-	  via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
- - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-	  can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
-	  uses a message store on disk for persistence.
-	- Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-	  ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
-	  store on disk for persistence.
-	- KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-	  responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
- - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-	  responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
- - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
-   handles both auth confirm and requests.
+  - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
+    tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
+  - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
+    retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
+  - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
+    requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
+  - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
+    decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+  - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+    via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
+  - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
+    can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+    uses a message store on disk for persistence.
+  - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
+    ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
+    store on disk for persistence.
+  - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
+    responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
+  - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
+    responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+    handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -1035,13 +1037,26 @@ most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
  * TrackServices will return via a callback the list of services the
 backend keeps track of, which is formally referred to as a
 [message.ServiceList]. This may be passed into other bindings call which
-may need context on the available services for this client.
+may need context on the available services for this client. This will
+provide services for all identities that the client tracks.
- - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
-   message.ServiceList.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
 - (void)trackServices:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb;
+ * TrackServicesWithIdentity will return via a callback the list of services the
+backend keeps track of for the provided identity. This may be passed into
+other bindings call which may need context on the available services for this
+single identity. This will only return services for the given identity.
+  - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
+ */
+- (BOOL)trackServicesWithIdentity:(long)e2eId cb:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
 timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
@@ -1970,10 +1985,11 @@ Example GroupSendReport JSON:
 is to being ready.
 Example JSON:
- {
-   "IsReady": true,
-   "HowClose": 0.534
- }
+	{
+	  "IsReady": true,
+	  "HowClose": 0.534
+	}
 @interface BindingsIsReadyInfo : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2037,27 +2053,28 @@ Cmix.GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns JSON marshalled.
 this user.
 Example NotificationReport JSON:
- {
-   "ForMe": true,
-   "Type": "e2e",
- }
+	{
+	  "ForMe": true,
+	  "Type": "e2e",
+	}
 Given the Type, the Source value will have specific contextual meanings.
 Below is a table that will define the contextual meaning of the Source field
 given all possible Type fields.
-  TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
- ----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
- "default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
- "request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
- "reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
- "confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
- "silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
- "e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
- "group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
- "endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
- "groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
+	 TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
+	----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
+	"default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
+	"request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
+	"reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
+	"confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
+	"silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
+	"e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
+	"group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
+	"endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
+	"groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
 @interface BindingsNotificationReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2715,18 +2732,18 @@ notifications are for this user. // This returns the JSON-marshalled
- - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
- - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
-   notifications' server.
- - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
-   keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices for information about this.
+  - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
+    notifications' server.
+  - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
+    keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices or
+    Cmix.TrackServicesWithIdentity for information about this.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
-   within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
-   set to false. These may be ignored.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
+    within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
+    set to false. These may be ignored.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * GetPubkeyFromContact returns the DH public key in the [contact.Contact]
@@ -3164,7 +3181,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsUserDiscovery* _Nullable BindingsNewUdManagerFromBacku
 The token is a firebase messaging token.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsRegisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable token, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3320,7 +3337,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
  * UnregisterForNotifications turns off notifications for this client.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsUnregisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3833,33 +3850,34 @@ If there was an error retrieving or marshalling the service list,
 there is an error for the second parameter which will be non-null.
- - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
-   array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
- - err - JSON unmarshalling error
+  - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
+    array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
+  - err - JSON unmarshalling error
 Example JSON:
- [
-   {
-     "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
-         "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
-       }
-     ]
-   },
-   {
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",
-         "Tag": "TestTag 2",
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"
-       }
-     ]
-   },
- ]
+	[
+	  {
+	    "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	  {
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 2",
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	]
 @interface BindingsTrackServicesCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsTrackServicesCallback> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings
index 25b137a68d2fd1b803cb59e53c6ea09a4e4554d2..00454bc9fb6adb1c34fa4be6528205a8c880ce1a 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 0870dbbbb626c1dc4c5e030f6fec29a9e363c6cb..5ef1f9b380057f5619cbfa5de176fb5a956c1ec6 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -862,9 +862,9 @@ health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 registrations up to the initialized maximum.
- - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
-   registrations before failing.
+  - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
+    registrations before failing.
 - (BOOL)changeNumberOfNodeRegistrations:(long)toRun timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -889,11 +889,11 @@ Parameters:
  * GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns the current state of node registration.
- - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
-   nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
-   NDF.
- - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
-   cause is that the network is unhealthy.
+  - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
+    nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
+    NDF.
+  - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
+    cause is that the network is unhealthy.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getNodeRegistrationStatus:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -907,13 +907,14 @@ of this call. Note that this list may change and is subject to race
 conditions if multiple threads are in the process of starting or stopping.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
 JSON Example:
- {
-   "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
-   "MessageReception Worker 0"
- }
+	{
+	  "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
+	  "MessageReception Worker 0"
+	}
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getRunningProcesses:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -936,11 +937,11 @@ completed. If not all have completed, then it returns false and howClose will
 be a percent (0-1) of node registrations completed.
- - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
-   be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
+  - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
+    be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
- - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
+  - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
 - (NSData* _Nullable)isReady:(double)percentReady error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -957,9 +958,10 @@ messages.
  * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
 status with the following values:
- Stopped  - 0
- Running  - 2000
- Stopping - 3000
+	Stopped  - 0
+	Running  - 2000
+	Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
@@ -967,8 +969,8 @@ status with the following values:
 resume them.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
-   before failing.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
+    before failing.
 - (BOOL)pauseNodeRegistrations:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -998,28 +1000,28 @@ These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
 they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
- - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-   tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
- - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-   retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
- - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-	  requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
- - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-	  decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
-	- Health Tracker (/network/health),
-	  via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
- - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-	  can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
-	  uses a message store on disk for persistence.
-	- Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-	  ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
-	  store on disk for persistence.
-	- KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-	  responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
- - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-	  responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
- - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
-   handles both auth confirm and requests.
+  - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
+    tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
+  - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
+    retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
+  - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
+    requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
+  - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
+    decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+  - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+    via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
+  - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
+    can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+    uses a message store on disk for persistence.
+  - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
+    ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
+    store on disk for persistence.
+  - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
+    responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
+  - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
+    responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+    handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -1035,13 +1037,26 @@ most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
  * TrackServices will return via a callback the list of services the
 backend keeps track of, which is formally referred to as a
 [message.ServiceList]. This may be passed into other bindings call which
-may need context on the available services for this client.
+may need context on the available services for this client. This will
+provide services for all identities that the client tracks.
- - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
-   message.ServiceList.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
 - (void)trackServices:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb;
+ * TrackServicesWithIdentity will return via a callback the list of services the
+backend keeps track of for the provided identity. This may be passed into
+other bindings call which may need context on the available services for this
+single identity. This will only return services for the given identity.
+  - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
+ */
+- (BOOL)trackServicesWithIdentity:(long)e2eId cb:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
 timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
@@ -1970,10 +1985,11 @@ Example GroupSendReport JSON:
 is to being ready.
 Example JSON:
- {
-   "IsReady": true,
-   "HowClose": 0.534
- }
+	{
+	  "IsReady": true,
+	  "HowClose": 0.534
+	}
 @interface BindingsIsReadyInfo : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2037,27 +2053,28 @@ Cmix.GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns JSON marshalled.
 this user.
 Example NotificationReport JSON:
- {
-   "ForMe": true,
-   "Type": "e2e",
- }
+	{
+	  "ForMe": true,
+	  "Type": "e2e",
+	}
 Given the Type, the Source value will have specific contextual meanings.
 Below is a table that will define the contextual meaning of the Source field
 given all possible Type fields.
-  TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
- ----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
- "default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
- "request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
- "reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
- "confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
- "silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
- "e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
- "group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
- "endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
- "groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
+	 TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
+	----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
+	"default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
+	"request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
+	"reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
+	"confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
+	"silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
+	"e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
+	"group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
+	"endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
+	"groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
 @interface BindingsNotificationReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2715,18 +2732,18 @@ notifications are for this user. // This returns the JSON-marshalled
- - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
- - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
-   notifications' server.
- - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
-   keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices for information about this.
+  - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
+    notifications' server.
+  - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
+    keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices or
+    Cmix.TrackServicesWithIdentity for information about this.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
-   within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
-   set to false. These may be ignored.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
+    within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
+    set to false. These may be ignored.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * GetPubkeyFromContact returns the DH public key in the [contact.Contact]
@@ -3164,7 +3181,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsUserDiscovery* _Nullable BindingsNewUdManagerFromBacku
 The token is a firebase messaging token.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsRegisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable token, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3320,7 +3337,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
  * UnregisterForNotifications turns off notifications for this client.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsUnregisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3833,33 +3850,34 @@ If there was an error retrieving or marshalling the service list,
 there is an error for the second parameter which will be non-null.
- - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
-   array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
- - err - JSON unmarshalling error
+  - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
+    array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
+  - err - JSON unmarshalling error
 Example JSON:
- [
-   {
-     "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
-         "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
-       }
-     ]
-   },
-   {
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",
-         "Tag": "TestTag 2",
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"
-       }
-     ]
-   },
- ]
+	[
+	  {
+	    "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	  {
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 2",
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	]
 @interface BindingsTrackServicesCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsTrackServicesCallback> {
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings
index 69d5af972a3011bdbf304b29099ec4389fe5b765..fbea95244b8219950ba9c5424aeaf0a524c32ef4 100644
Binary files a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings and b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Bindings differ
diff --git a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
index 0870dbbbb626c1dc4c5e030f6fec29a9e363c6cb..5ef1f9b380057f5619cbfa5de176fb5a956c1ec6 100644
--- a/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
+++ b/Frameworks/Bindings.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/Bindings.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Bindings.objc.h
@@ -862,9 +862,9 @@ health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
 registrations up to the initialized maximum.
- - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
-   registrations before failing.
+  - toRun - The number of parallel node registrations.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when changing node
+    registrations before failing.
 - (BOOL)changeNumberOfNodeRegistrations:(long)toRun timeoutMS:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -889,11 +889,11 @@ Parameters:
  * GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns the current state of node registration.
- - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
-   nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
-   NDF.
- - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
-   cause is that the network is unhealthy.
+  - []byte - A marshalled NodeRegistrationReport containing the number of
+    nodes the user is registered with and the number of nodes present in the
+    NDF.
+  - An error if it cannot get the node registration status. The most likely
+    cause is that the network is unhealthy.
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getNodeRegistrationStatus:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -907,13 +907,14 @@ of this call. Note that this list may change and is subject to race
 conditions if multiple threads are in the process of starting or stopping.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled list of all running processes.
 JSON Example:
- {
-   "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
-   "MessageReception Worker 0"
- }
+	{
+	  "FileTransfer{BatchBuilderThread, FilePartSendingThread#0, FilePartSendingThread#1, FilePartSendingThread#2, FilePartSendingThread#3}",
+	  "MessageReception Worker 0"
+	}
 - (NSData* _Nullable)getRunningProcesses:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -936,11 +937,11 @@ completed. If not all have completed, then it returns false and howClose will
 be a percent (0-1) of node registrations completed.
- - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
-   be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
+  - percentReady - The percentage of nodes required to be registered with to
+    be ready. This is a number between 0 and 1.
- - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
+  - JSON of [IsReadyInfo].
 - (NSData* _Nullable)isReady:(double)percentReady error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -957,9 +958,10 @@ messages.
  * NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns a
 status with the following values:
- Stopped  - 0
- Running  - 2000
- Stopping - 3000
+	Stopped  - 0
+	Running  - 2000
+	Stopping - 3000
 - (long)networkFollowerStatus;
@@ -967,8 +969,8 @@ status with the following values:
 resume them.
- - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
-   before failing.
+  - timeoutMS - The timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when stopping threads
+    before failing.
 - (BOOL)pauseNodeRegistrations:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -998,28 +1000,28 @@ These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline, ensure
 they are stopped if there is no internet access.
 Threads Started:
- - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
-   tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
- - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
-   retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
- - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
-	  requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
- - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
-	  decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
-	- Health Tracker (/network/health),
-	  via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
- - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
-	  can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
-	  uses a message store on disk for persistence.
-	- Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
-	  ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
-	  store on disk for persistence.
-	- KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
-	  responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
- - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
-	  responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
- - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
-   handles both auth confirm and requests.
+  - Network Follower (/network/follow.go)
+    tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling.
+  - Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go)
+    retrieves data about rounds that are too old to be stored by the client.
+  - Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go)
+    requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last nodes.
+  - Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go)
+    decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard.
+  - Health Tracker (/network/health),
+    via the network instance, tracks the state of the network.
+  - Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go)
+    can be signaled to check all recent messages that could be decoded. It
+    uses a message store on disk for persistence.
+  - Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go)
+    ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent. It uses a message
+    store on disk for persistence.
+  - KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go)
+    responds to sent rekeys and executes them.
+  - KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go)
+    responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations.
+  - Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go)
+    handles both auth confirm and requests.
 - (BOOL)startNetworkFollower:(long)timeoutMS error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
@@ -1035,13 +1037,26 @@ most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.
  * TrackServices will return via a callback the list of services the
 backend keeps track of, which is formally referred to as a
 [message.ServiceList]. This may be passed into other bindings call which
-may need context on the available services for this client.
+may need context on the available services for this client. This will
+provide services for all identities that the client tracks.
- - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
-   message.ServiceList.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
 - (void)trackServices:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb;
+ * TrackServicesWithIdentity will return via a callback the list of services the
+backend keeps track of for the provided identity. This may be passed into
+other bindings call which may need context on the available services for this
+single identity. This will only return services for the given identity.
+  - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker.
+  - cb - A TrackServicesCallback, which will be passed the marshalled
+    message.ServiceList.
+ */
+- (BOOL)trackServicesWithIdentity:(long)e2eId cb:(id<BindingsTrackServicesCallback> _Nullable)cb error:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error;
  * WaitForNetwork will block until either the network is healthy or the passed
 timeout is reached. It will return true if the network is healthy.
@@ -1970,10 +1985,11 @@ Example GroupSendReport JSON:
 is to being ready.
 Example JSON:
- {
-   "IsReady": true,
-   "HowClose": 0.534
- }
+	{
+	  "IsReady": true,
+	  "HowClose": 0.534
+	}
 @interface BindingsIsReadyInfo : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2037,27 +2053,28 @@ Cmix.GetNodeRegistrationStatus returns JSON marshalled.
 this user.
 Example NotificationReport JSON:
- {
-   "ForMe": true,
-   "Type": "e2e",
- }
+	{
+	  "ForMe": true,
+	  "Type": "e2e",
+	}
 Given the Type, the Source value will have specific contextual meanings.
 Below is a table that will define the contextual meaning of the Source field
 given all possible Type fields.
-  TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
- ----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
- "default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
- "request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
- "reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
- "confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
- "silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
- "e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
- "group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
- "endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
- "groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
+	 TYPE     |     SOURCE         |    DESCRIPTION
+	----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
+	"default" |  recipient user ID |  A message with no association.
+	"request" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been received, from Source.
+	"reset"   |  sender user ID    |  A channel reset has been received.
+	"confirm" |  sender user ID    |  A channel request has been accepted.
+	"silent"  |  sender user ID    |  A message where the user should not be notified.
+	"e2e"     |  sender user ID    |  A reception of an E2E message.
+	"group"   |  group ID          |  A reception of a group chat message.
+	"endFT"   |  sender user ID    |  The last message sent confirming end of file transfer.
+	"groupRQ" |  sender user ID    |  A request from Source to join a group chat.
 @interface BindingsNotificationReport : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@@ -2715,18 +2732,18 @@ notifications are for this user. // This returns the JSON-marshalled
- - e2eID - e2e object ID in the tracker
- - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
-   notifications' server.
- - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
-   keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices for information about this.
+  - notificationCSV - the notification data received from the
+    notifications' server.
+  - marshalledServices - the JSON-marshalled list of services the backend
+    keeps track of. Refer to Cmix.TrackServices or
+    Cmix.TrackServicesWithIdentity for information about this.
- - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
-   within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
-   set to false. These may be ignored.
+  - []byte - A JSON marshalled NotificationReports. Some NotificationReport's
+    within in this structure may have their NotificationReport.ForMe
+    set to false. These may be ignored.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsGetNotificationsReport(NSString* _Nullable notificationCSV, NSData* _Nullable marshalledServices, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
  * GetPubkeyFromContact returns the DH public key in the [contact.Contact]
@@ -3164,7 +3181,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BindingsUserDiscovery* _Nullable BindingsNewUdManagerFromBacku
 The token is a firebase messaging token.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsRegisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSString* _Nullable token, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3320,7 +3337,7 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSData* _Nullable BindingsTransmitSingleUse(long e2eID, NSData
  * UnregisterForNotifications turns off notifications for this client.
- - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
+  - e2eId - ID of the E2E object in the E2E tracker
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL BindingsUnregisterForNotifications(long e2eId, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);
@@ -3833,33 +3850,34 @@ If there was an error retrieving or marshalling the service list,
 there is an error for the second parameter which will be non-null.
- - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
-   array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
- - err - JSON unmarshalling error
+  - marshalData - JSON marshalled bytes of [message.ServiceList], which is an
+    array of [id.ID] and [message.Service].
+  - err - JSON unmarshalling error
 Example JSON:
- [
-   {
-     "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
-         "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
-       }
-     ]
-   },
-   {
-     "Services": [
-       {
-         "Identifier": "AQID",
-         "Tag": "TestTag 2",
-         "Metadata": "BAUG"
-       }
-     ]
-   },
- ]
+	[
+	  {
+	    "Id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD", // bytes of id.ID encoded as base64 string
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",                             // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 1",                               // string
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"                                // bytes encoded as base64 string
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	  {
+	    "Services": [
+	      {
+	        "Identifier": "AQID",
+	        "Tag": "TestTag 2",
+	        "Metadata": "BAUG"
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  },
+	]
 @interface BindingsTrackServicesCallback : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, BindingsTrackServicesCallback> {
diff --git a/Sources/XXClient/Functions/GetNotificationsReport.swift b/Sources/XXClient/Functions/GetNotificationsReport.swift
index 0b5d31f8d5ffb7fc0f9f4cd67d6c2b6a0ec11aa1..81d54a59e298bc8a7f5a597736ca5f494e7f07c4 100644
--- a/Sources/XXClient/Functions/GetNotificationsReport.swift
+++ b/Sources/XXClient/Functions/GetNotificationsReport.swift
@@ -2,35 +2,31 @@ import Bindings
 import XCTestDynamicOverlay
 public struct GetNotificationsReport {
-  public var run: (Int, String, Data) throws -> NotificationReport
+  public var run: (String, MessageServiceList) throws -> NotificationReport
   public func callAsFunction(
-    e2eId: Int,
     notificationCSV: String,
-    marshaledServices: Data
+    services: MessageServiceList
   ) throws -> NotificationReport {
-    try run(e2eId, notificationCSV, marshaledServices)
+    try run(notificationCSV, services)
 extension GetNotificationsReport {
-  public static func live() -> GetNotificationsReport {
-    GetNotificationsReport { e2eId, notificationCSV, marshaledServices in
-      var error: NSError?
-      let result = BindingsGetNotificationsReport(
-        e2eId,
-        notificationCSV,
-        marshaledServices,
-        &error
-      )
-      if let error = error {
-        throw error
-      }
-      guard let result = result else {
-        fatalError("BindingsGetNotificationsReport returned nil without providing error")
-      }
-      return try NotificationReport.decode(result)
+  public static let live = GetNotificationsReport { notificationCSV, services in
+    var error: NSError?
+    let result = BindingsGetNotificationsReport(
+      notificationCSV,
+      try services.encode(),
+      &error
+    )
+    if let error = error {
+      throw error
+    guard let result = result else {
+      fatalError("BindingsGetNotificationsReport returned nil without providing error")
+    }
+    return try NotificationReport.decode(result)
diff --git a/Tests/XXMessengerClientTests/Messenger/Functions/MessengerSendFileTests.swift b/Tests/XXMessengerClientTests/Messenger/Functions/MessengerSendFileTests.swift
index 2a0b74dcd3fd214c27f0cd138d88a021d5861481..b7606f23e865a35f5537f7e3a82d6959228b1c29 100644
--- a/Tests/XXMessengerClientTests/Messenger/Functions/MessengerSendFileTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/XXMessengerClientTests/Messenger/Functions/MessengerSendFileTests.swift
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ final class MessengerSendFileTests: XCTestCase {
     let sendFile: MessengerSendFile = .live(env)
-    let transferId = try sendFile(.stub) { info in
+    _ = try sendFile(.stub) { info in
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ final class MessengerSendFileTests: XCTestCase {
     let sendFile: MessengerSendFile = .live(env)
-    let transferId = try sendFile(.stub) { info in
+    _ = try sendFile(.stub) { info in