diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bff397f464501f0402e627483b13afcdc1955ef1..494cdd19d369acd1b595665ebced0ffaa0a2674d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,27 +1,45 @@
-- [README for xx Network](#readme-for-xx-network)
+- [What is it](#what-is-it)
+- [Requirements](#requirements)
+- [What does it do](#what-does-it-do)
 - [How to run](#how-to-run)
 - [Use cases](#use-cases)
-- [What modified and why](#what-modified-and-why)
-- [Known issues](#known-issues)
+- [What was modified](#what-was-modified)
+- [Issues, limitations, workarounds](#issues-limitations-workarounds)
   - [Address format](#address-format)
   - [Asset-gating](#asset-gating)
+- [Credits](#credits)
+## What is it
-## README for xx Network
+This code demonstrates "token-gating" and "asset-gating" on xx Network (and possibly other compatible Substrate-based chains):
-(See [KSM_README.md](./KSM_README.md) for upstream README document.)
+- "token-gating" is really "currency-gating" for the native currency of xx chain, XX (coin)
+- "asset-gating" is really "token-gating" with xx chain-based assets (which should probably be called tokens, but they aren't since that's taken)
-What it is:
-- Make access to your site "gated" only to users with a certain amount of xx coin or a xx Network asset in their Web3 wallet (works with Polkadot{.js})
-  - You can set that balance to any amount (10, 100, 100,000 XX) or mandate different balances for different paths on your Web site
-  - Works with static and dynamic Web pages
-  - Both token- and "asset"-gating works. The check for (xx Network) asset kind and balance is currently CLI only (see in Known issues at the bottom). 
+It works with static (server-rendered) and dynamic Web pages.
+## Requirements
+- Client-side: Polkadot{.js} Web3 wallet; other Web3 wallets may work
+- Server-side: NodeJS with access to local or public xx chain RPC endpoint (ws[s]://)
+## What does it do
+It can limit access to site or sections of site based on ownership or balance of:
+- XX coins, for example more than 0, or more than 100
+- assets on xx chain, for example more than 1 QTY of asset ID 5
+- combination of criteria
+Screenshot of xx token-gating: 
 ![Token-gated xx coin site](xx_screenshot.png)
-Thank you to [the original author](https://polkadot.study/tutorials/tokengated-polkadot-next-js/intro) and the guy who [forked it](https://github.com/yk909/polkadot-js-tokengated-website/) to apply some fixes (verify/compare if you plan to use in production, of course).
+You may find more on asset-gating on xx chain [here](https://armchairancap.github.io/blog/2023/11/05/xx-network-asset-gated-access).
-I'm sharing in the hope someone will use it for xx Network or other Substrate projects/chains for which the upstream forks don't provide instructions. 
+With token-gated code added more recently (QTY 1 of asset ID 5 - see further below for more on this):
+![xx token- and asset-gated page](xx_polkadot_asset-gated.png)
 ## How to run
@@ -70,29 +88,40 @@ That may seem useless - at least with "NFT token-gating" they could have somethi
 So this integration is not entirely useless even for sites that can't sell xx coin to their members.
-## What modified and why
+## What was modified
-`.env.local` and `pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js` line 92 there's a fall back to public RPC endpoint, but I modified that one to local as well. 
+`.env.local` and `pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js` line 92 there's a fall back to public RPC endpoint, but I modified that one to local as well. Asset-gating was also added in that file. In the code we check the balance of asset ID 5 (which on xx Network happens to be `JUNK`) and warn if it's less than 2. I have 1 on mine, which triggers a warning like so.
-In `components/login.tsx` I added some functions for debugging, and logging to console.
+ksmAddress:  6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k
+Wallet address on xx Network:  6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k
+Wallet balance on xx Network:  1840527453
+Account balance for asset 5 and address 6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k: 1
+Warning: Account balance for asset 5 is less than 2.
+token {
+  name: 'the-dude',
+  sub: '5GxeeFALkRvjnNgkiMjiP6q2GGnZ1ZmFyjCusHG4VoezqZSN',
+  freeBalance: '0x0000000000000000000000006db4385d',
+  iat: 1730995852,
+  exp: 1733587852,
+  jti: 'c7a8e87a-0bff-46da-a5be-ffc51726d6dc'
+Currently, in the same file, we check for > 1 XX or more than 1 JUNK, but you can modify as you see fit:
+`(accountInfo.data.free.gt(new BN(1_000_000_000)) || assetBalance >= 1)`
+In `components/login.tsx` I added some functions for debugging, and logging to console, as you can see above.
 In `pages/protected-api.tsx` and `pages/protected.tsx` ("static" protected page), changed KSM to XX and changed the number of decimals to 9 from 12:
 const ksmBalance = formatBalance( session.freeBalance, { decimals: 9, withSi: true, withUnit: 'XX' } )
-All modified pages from yk909's fork (you can see in Commits):
-modified:   components/account-select.tsx
-modified:   components/login.tsx
-modified:   package-lock.json
-modified:   package.json
-modified:   pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts
-modified:   pages/protected-api.tsx
-modified:   pages/protected.tsx
+To see everything that's different compared to yk909's fork, see git log.
-## Known issues
+## Issues, limitations, workarounds
 ### Address format
@@ -115,24 +144,11 @@ You can configure the wallet to default to xx Network, by the way (see the scree
 ### Asset-gating 
-Currently it works only in the console and it may be xx Network-specific (e.g. it seems Polkadot doesn't use Assets, so if you want to reuse this with another coin maybe check if it supports assets). 
+This may be xx Network-specific and may not work with other Substrate-based chains. You need to check if your chain supports Assets, and how. It seems Polkadot removed their Assets pallet, for example.
-In the code we check the balance of asset ID 5 (which on xx Network happens to be `JUNK`) and warn if it's less than 2. I have 1 on mine, which triggers a warning like so.
+## Credits
-ksmAddress:  6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k
-Wallet address on xx Network:  6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k
-Wallet balance on xx Network:  1840527453
-Account balance for asset 5 and address 6aCE19CakDJBp8wnVHB2HpHYfaeNiwx2RxQcsAcyWvPLVn5k: 1
-Warning: Account balance for asset 5 is less than 2.
-token {
-  name: 'the-dude',
-  sub: '5GxeeFALkRvjnNgkiMjiP6q2GGnZ1ZmFyjCusHG4VoezqZSN',
-  freeBalance: '0x0000000000000000000000006db4385d',
-  iat: 1730995852,
-  exp: 1733587852,
-  jti: 'c7a8e87a-0bff-46da-a5be-ffc51726d6dc'
+Thank you to [the original author](https://polkadot.study/tutorials/tokengated-polkadot-next-js/intro) and the guy who [forked it](https://github.com/yk909/polkadot-js-tokengated-website/) to apply some fixes (verify/compare if you plan to use in production, of course). (See [KSM_README.md](./KSM_README.md) for the upstream README document.)
+I hope this sample code can help you save time integrating xx Network or other Substrate projects/chains.
-Showing this information in the UI is a TODO item. You may find more on asset-checking ideas [here](https://armchairancap.github.io/blog/2023/11/05/xx-network-asset-gated-access).
diff --git a/pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts b/pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts
index 8bb6d3fa62473c4f1a36cef6981eca517fd31042..e6fae79a4d8966bf350e31ed042ab8d2d449ee8e 100644
--- a/pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts
+++ b/pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts
@@ -4,18 +4,23 @@ import { signatureVerify } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
 import { encodeAddress, Keyring } from '@polkadot/keyring';
 import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
 import { BN } from '@polkadot/util';
+import { AssetBalance } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
+import { Int } from '@polkadot/types';
 declare module 'next-auth' {
   interface Session {
     address: string | undefined;
     ksmAddress: string;
     freeBalance: BN;
+    name: string;
+    assetBalance?: string;
   interface User {
     id: string;
     ksmAddress: string;
     freeBalance: BN;
+    assetBalance?: string;
   interface credentials {
@@ -105,31 +110,36 @@ export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
             console.log('Wallet balance on xx Network: ', balance.toString());
             // AA: asset balance check 
-            const assetId = 5; // Replace with your asset ID
+            const assetId = 5; // AA: Replace with your asset ID
             const accountAssetInfo = await api.query.assets.account(assetId, ksmAddress);
+            // initialize assetBalance as 0
+            let assetBalance = 0;
             if (accountAssetInfo.isEmpty) {
                 `No balance found for asset ${assetId} and address ${ksmAddress}`
             } else {
-                const assetBalance = (accountAssetInfo.toHuman() as { balance: string }).balance ? parseInt((accountAssetInfo.toHuman() as { balance: string }).balance) : 0;
+                assetBalance = (accountAssetInfo.toHuman() as { balance: string }).balance ? parseInt((accountAssetInfo.toHuman() as { balance: string }).balance) : 0;
                 `Account balance for asset ${assetId} and address ${ksmAddress}:`,
+                console.log('Asset balance: ', assetBalance);
                 if (assetBalance < 2) {
                 console.warn(`Warning: Account balance for asset ${assetId} is less than 2.`);
-            // end asset balance check 
-            if (accountInfo.data.free.gt(new BN(1_000_000_000))) {
-              // if the user has a free balance > 1 XX, we let them in
+            // end asset balance check
+            console.log('Asset balance going into returned objected: ', assetBalance.toString());
+            if (accountInfo.data.free.gt(new BN(1_000_000_000)) || assetBalance >= 1) {
+              // if the user has a free balance > 1 XX or JUNK !> 0, we let them in
               return {
                 id: credentials.address,
                 name: credentials.name,
                 freeBalance: accountInfo.data.free,
+                assetBalance: assetBalance.toString()
             } else {
               return Promise.reject(new Error('🚫 The gate is closed for you'));
@@ -155,6 +165,7 @@ export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
     async jwt({ token, user }) {
       if (user) {
         token.freeBalance = user.freeBalance;
+        token.assetBalance = user.assetBalance;
       return token;
@@ -162,6 +173,7 @@ export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
       const { session, token } = sessionData;
       session.address = token.sub;
+      session.assetBalance = token.assetBalance as string | undefined;
       if (session.address) {
         session.ksmAddress = encodeAddress(session.address, 55);
diff --git a/pages/protected-api.tsx b/pages/protected-api.tsx
index b361f10a797948fe4795c967e68c2bf2470636fa..6b21f1b200da5a291fbc9345bfde7f31cfdb0fc7 100644
--- a/pages/protected-api.tsx
+++ b/pages/protected-api.tsx
@@ -52,12 +52,17 @@ export default function ProtectedPage() {
     withSi: true,
     withUnit: 'XX',
+  // AA: show assetBalance  
+  const assetBalance = session?.assetBalance || '0';
+  // const sessionInfo = JSON.stringify(session, null, 2);
   // If session exists, display content
   return (
     <main className={styles.protected}>
       <h1>🎉 Welcome {session.user?.name}, you passed the 🚪</h1>
-      <p>with {ksmBalance}</p>
+      <p>with {ksmBalance}.</p>
+      <p>Your asset balance is: {assetBalance }.</p>
         You are seeing a protected route that uses a static page and a protected api route. See the
         code at <code>/pages/protected.tsx</code>
diff --git a/pages/protected.tsx b/pages/protected.tsx
index 6a428078b2b79e2cb5ec6638bc3acae6014e9ec3..df63c6e5e7769a5a165bead0adc35f5dae5ea46d 100644
--- a/pages/protected.tsx
+++ b/pages/protected.tsx
@@ -37,10 +37,13 @@ export default function Admin({ freeBalance }: { freeBalance: BN }): JSX.Element
     withSi: true,
     withUnit: 'XX',
+  // AA: asset balance 
+  const assetBalance = session?.assetBalance || '0';
   return (
     <main className={styles.protected}>
       <h1>🎉 Welcome {session.user?.name}, you passed the 🚪</h1>
-      <p>with {ksmBalance}</p>
+      <p>with {ksmBalance}.</p>
+      <p>Your asset balance is: {assetBalance}.</p>
         You are seeing a /protected route that uses Server-Side Generation at{' '}
         <code>/pages/protected.tsx</code>{' '}
diff --git a/xx_polkadot_asset-gated.png b/xx_polkadot_asset-gated.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c29842b918c4d248310129547c8aa3fd34e7192f
Binary files /dev/null and b/xx_polkadot_asset-gated.png differ