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# xx network Documentation

This documentation aims to help understand the core concepts of xx network, its blockchain ([xxChain](xxchain/)) and its communication layer ([cMixx](cmixx/)). You will also find documentation covering advanced topics, end-user tools, use-cases and tutorials.

As an open-source project, suggesting new topics, adding new content, and providing corrections are welcome. All documentation can be edited via GitLab. If you're unsure how, follow these instructions (TODO).

# Getting started

If you are unfamiliar with the xx network start with the  ...

 * [Intro to xx network](overview/xxnetwork.md) - An overview of the xx network

# Modules

 * [xxChain](xxchain/xxchain.md) - xxChain specific documentation.
 * [cMixx](cmixx/cmixx.md) - cMixx specific documentation.
 * [Tools](tools/) - End-user documentation. (Explorers, Wallets, Staking, Etc.)
 * [dApps](dapps/intro.md) - 3rd Party dApps and Use-cases