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Josh Brooks authoredJosh Brooks authored
init.go 6.58 KiB
// Copyright © 2020 xx network SEZC //
// //
// Use of this source code is governed by a license that can be found in the //
// LICENSE file //
// Package cmd initializes the CLI and config parsers as well as the logger.
package cmd
import (
jww ""
// initCmd creates a new user object with the given NDF
var initCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Initialize a user ID but do not connect to the network",
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// TODO: Handle userid-prefix argument
storePassword := parsePassword(viper.GetString(passwordFlag))
storeDir := viper.GetString(sessionFlag)
regCode := viper.GetString(regCodeFlag)
// Initialize from scratch
ndfJson, err := ioutil.ReadFile(viper.GetString(ndfFlag))
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
err = xxdk.NewCmix(string(ndfJson), storeDir, storePassword, regCode)
net, err := xxdk.OpenCmix(storeDir, storePassword)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Generate identity
var identity xxdk.ReceptionIdentity
if viper.GetBool(legacyFlag) {
identity, err = xxdk.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity(net)
} else {
identity, err = xxdk.MakeReceptionIdentity(net)
// Panic if conditional branch fails
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Store identity
err = xxdk.StoreReceptionIdentity(identityStorageKey, identity, net)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Write contact to file
jww.INFO.Printf("User: %s", identity.ID)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", identity.ID)
func init() {
initCmd.Flags().StringP(userIdPrefixFlag, "", "",
"Desired prefix of userID to brute force when running init command. Prepend (?i) for case-insensitive. Only Base64 characters are valid.")
bindFlagHelper(userIdPrefixFlag, initCmd)
initCmd.Flags().BoolP(legacyFlag, "", false,
"Generates a legacy identity if set. "+
"If this flag is absent, a standard identity will be generated.")
bindFlagHelper(legacyFlag, initCmd)
// loadOrInitCmix will build a new xxdk.Cmix from existing storage
// or from a new storage that it will create if none already exists
func loadOrInitCmix(password []byte, storeDir, regCode string,
cmixParams xxdk.CMIXParams) *xxdk.Cmix {
// create a new cMix if none exist
if _, err := os.Stat(storeDir); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
// Initialize from scratch
ndfJson, err := ioutil.ReadFile(viper.GetString(ndfFlag))
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
err = xxdk.NewCmix(string(ndfJson), storeDir, password, regCode)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Initialize from storage
net, err := xxdk.LoadCmix(storeDir, password, cmixParams)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
return net
// loadOrInitReceptionIdentity will build a new xxdk.ReceptionIdentity from existing storage
// or from a new storage that it will create if none already exists
func loadOrInitReceptionIdentity(forceLegacy bool, net *xxdk.Cmix) xxdk.ReceptionIdentity {
// Load or initialize xxdk.ReceptionIdentity storage
identity, err := xxdk.LoadReceptionIdentity(identityStorageKey, net)
if err != nil {
if forceLegacy {
jww.INFO.Printf("Forcing legacy sender")
identity, err = xxdk.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity(net)
} else {
identity, err = xxdk.MakeReceptionIdentity(net)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
err = xxdk.StoreReceptionIdentity(identityStorageKey, identity, net)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
return identity
// loadOrInitUser will build a new xxdk.E2e from existing storage
// or from a new storage that it will create if none already exists
func loadOrInitUser(forceLegacy bool, password []byte, storeDir, regCode string,
cmixParams xxdk.CMIXParams, e2eParams xxdk.E2EParams, cbs xxdk.AuthCallbacks) *xxdk.E2e {
jww.INFO.Printf("Using normal sender")
net := loadOrInitCmix(password, storeDir, regCode, cmixParams)
identity := loadOrInitReceptionIdentity(forceLegacy, net)
user, err := xxdk.Login(net, cbs, identity, e2eParams)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
return user
// loadOrInitEphemeral will build a new ephemeral xxdk.E2e.
func loadOrInitEphemeral(forceLegacy bool, password []byte, storeDir, regCode string,
cmixParams xxdk.CMIXParams, e2eParams xxdk.E2EParams, cbs xxdk.AuthCallbacks) *xxdk.E2e {
jww.INFO.Printf("Using ephemeral sender")
net := loadOrInitCmix(password, storeDir, regCode, cmixParams)
identity := loadOrInitReceptionIdentity(forceLegacy, net)
user, err := xxdk.LoginEphemeral(net, cbs, identity, e2eParams)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
return user
// loadOrInitVanity will build a new xxdk.E2e from existing storage
// or from a new storage that it will create if none already exists
func loadOrInitVanity(password []byte, storeDir, regCode, userIdPrefix string,
cmixParams xxdk.CMIXParams, e2eParams xxdk.E2EParams, cbs xxdk.AuthCallbacks) *xxdk.E2e {
jww.INFO.Printf("Using Vanity sender")
// create a new cMix if none exist
if _, err := os.Stat(storeDir); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
// Initialize from scratch
ndfJson, err := ioutil.ReadFile(viper.GetString(ndfFlag))
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
err = xxdk.NewVanityCmix(string(ndfJson), storeDir,
password, regCode, userIdPrefix)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Initialize from storage
net, err := xxdk.LoadCmix(storeDir, password, cmixParams)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
// Load or initialize xxdk.ReceptionIdentity storage
identity, err := xxdk.LoadReceptionIdentity(identityStorageKey, net)
if err != nil {
identity, err = xxdk.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity(net)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
err = xxdk.StoreReceptionIdentity(identityStorageKey, identity, net)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
user, err := xxdk.Login(net, cbs, identity, e2eParams)
if err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Panicf("%+v", err)
return user