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types.ts 9.07 KiB
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import { ChannelEventHandler } from './events/channels';
import { DMEventHandler } from './events/dm';
import { RemoteStore } from './types/collective';
import { RawCipher } from './types/index';

export enum LogLevel {
  TRACE = 0,
  DEBUG = 1,
  INFO = 2,
  WARN = 3,
  ERROR = 4,
  FATAL = 6

export enum PrivacyLevel {
  Public = 0,
  Private = 1,
  Secret = 2

export type Cipher = {
  GetID: () => number;
  Decrypt: (plaintext: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;

export type ChannelManagerCallbacks = {
  EventUpdate: ChannelEventHandler;

export type DMClientEventCallback = {
  EventUpdate: DMEventHandler;

export type Notifications = {
  AddToken: (newToken: string, app: string) => void;
  RemoveToken: () => void;
  SetMaxState: (maxState: number) => void;
  GetMaxState: () => number;
  GetID: () => number;

export type ChannelManager = {
  GetID: () => number;
  AreDMsEnabled: (channelId: Uint8Array) => boolean;
  DisableDirectMessages: (channelId: Uint8Array) => void;
  EnableDirectMessages: (channelId: Uint8Array) => void;
  JoinChannel: (channelId: string) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  LeaveChannel: (channelId: Uint8Array) => Promise<void>;
  GetMutedUsers: (channelId: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
  Muted: (channelId: Uint8Array) => boolean;
  MuteUser: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    publicKey: Uint8Array,
    mute: boolean,
    messageValidityTimeoutMilliseconds: number,
    cmixParams?: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<void>;
  SendMessage: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    message: string,
    messageValidityTimeoutMilliseconds: number,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  PinMessage: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    messageId: Uint8Array,
    unpin: boolean,
    pinDurationInMilliseconds: number,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array,
  ) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  DeleteMessage: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    messageId: Uint8Array,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<void>;
  SendReaction: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    reaction: string,
    messageToReactTo: Uint8Array,
    messageValidityTimeoutMilliseconds: number,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  SendReply: (
    channelId: Uint8Array,
    message: string,
    messageToReactTo: Uint8Array,
    messageValidityTimeoutMilliseconds: number,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  IsChannelAdmin: (channelId: Uint8Array) => boolean;
  GenerateChannel: (channelname: string, description: string, privacyLevel: PrivacyLevel) => Promise<string>;
  GetStorageTag: () => string | undefined;
  SetNickname: (newNickname: string, channel: Uint8Array) => void;
  GetNickname: (channelId: Uint8Array) => string;
  GetIdentity: () => Uint8Array;
  GetShareURL: (cmixId: number, host: string, maxUses: number, channelId: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
  JoinChannelFromURL: (url: string, password: string) => Uint8Array;
  ExportPrivateIdentity: (password: string) => Uint8Array;
  ExportChannelAdminKey: (channelId: Uint8Array, encryptionPassword: string) => Uint8Array;
  ImportChannelAdminKey: (channelId: Uint8Array, encryptionPassword: string, privateKey: Uint8Array) => void;

type HealthCallback = { Callback: (healthy: boolean) => void }

export type CMix = {
  AddHealthCallback: (callback: HealthCallback) => number;
  GetID: () => number;
  IsReady: (threshold: number) => Uint8Array;
  ReadyToSend: () => boolean;
  StartNetworkFollower: (timeoutMilliseconds: number) => void;
  StopNetworkFollower: () => void;
  WaitForNetwork: (timeoutMilliseconds: number) => Promise<void>;

export type DMClient = {
       GetPublicKey: () => Uint8Array;
       GetToken: () => number;
       GetIdentity: () => Uint8Array;
       ExportPrivateIdentity: (password: string) => Uint8Array;
       GetNickname: () => string;
       SetNickname: (nickname: string) => void;
       BlockPartner: (partnerPubKey: Uint8Array) => void;
       UnblockPartner: (partnerPubKey: Uint8Array) => void;
       IsBlocked: (partnerPubKey: Uint8Array) => boolean;
       GetBlockedPartners: () => Uint8Array;
       GetDatabaseName: () => string;
       GetShareURL: (host: string) => Promise<Uint8Array>;

       // DM Sending Methods and Reports
       SendText: (pubkey: Uint8Array, dmToken: number,
                  message: string, leaseTimeMs: number,
                  cmixParams: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       SendReply: (pubkey: Uint8Array, dmToken: number,
                   message: string, replyToId: Uint8Array,
                   leaseTimeMs: number,
                   cmixParams: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       SendReaction: (pubkey: Uint8Array, dmToken: number,
                      message: string, reactToId: Uint8Array,
                      cmixParams: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       SendSilent: (pubkey: Uint8Array, dmToken: number,
                    cmixParams: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       SendInvite: (pubkey: Uint8Array, dmToken: number,
                    inviteToChannelJson Uint8Array, message: string,
                    host: string,
                    cmixParamsJSON: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       DeleteMessage: (partnerPubKeyBytes: Uint8Array, partnerToken: number,
                       targetMessageIdBytes: Uint8Array,
                       cmixParamsJSON Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
       Send: (partnerPubKeyBytes: Uint8Array, partnerToken: number,
              messageType: number, plaintext Uint8Array, leaseTimeMS: number,
	      cmixParamsJSON: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;

export type DummyTraffic = {
  GetStatus: () => boolean;
  Pause: () => void;
  Start: () => void;

export type MessageReceivedCallback = (uuid: string, channelId: Uint8Array, update: boolean) => void;
export type MessageDeletedCallback = (uuid: Uint8Array) => void;
export type UserMutedCallback = (channelId: Uint8Array, pubkey: string, unmute: boolean) => void;
export type DMReceivedCallback = (uuid: string, pubkey: Uint8Array, update: boolean, updateConversation: boolean) => void;

export type XXDKUtils = {
  NewCmix: (
    ndf: string,
    storageDir: string,
    password: Uint8Array,
    registrationCode: string
  ) => Promise<void>;
  NewSynchronizedCmix: (
    ndf: string,
    storageDir: string,
    remoteStoragePrefixPath: string,
    password: Uint8Array,
    remoteStore: RemoteStore,
  ) => Promise<void>;
  LoadCmix: (
    storageDirectory: string,
    password: Uint8Array,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<CMix>;
  LoadSynchronizedCmix: (
    storageDirectory: string,
    password: Uint8Array,
    remoteStore: RemoteStore,
    cmixParams: Uint8Array
  ) => Promise<CMix>;
  LoadNotifications: (
    cmixId: number
  ) => Notifications;
  LoadNotificationsDummy:  (
    cmixId: number
  ) => Notifications;
  GetDefaultCMixParams: () => Uint8Array;
  GetChannelInfo: (prettyPrint: string) => Uint8Array;
  Base64ToUint8Array: (base64: string) => Uint8Array;
  GenerateChannelIdentity: (cmixId: number) => Uint8Array;
  NewChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb: (
    cmixId: number,
    wasmJsPath: string,
    privateIdentity: Uint8Array,
    extensionBuilderIDsJSON: Uint8Array,
    notificationsId: number,
    callbacks: ChannelManagerCallbacks,
    channelDbCipher: number
  ) => Promise<ChannelManager>;
  NewDMClientWithIndexedDb: (
    cmixId: number,
    wasmJsPath: string,
    privateIdentity: Uint8Array,
  ) => Promise<DMClient>;
  NewDatabaseCipher: (
    cmixId: number,
    storagePassword: Uint8Array,
    payloadMaximumSize: number
  ) => RawCipher;
  LoadChannelsManagerWithIndexedDb: (
    cmixId: number,
    wasmJsPath: string,
    storageTag: string,
    extensionBuilderIDsJSON: Uint8Array,
    notificationsId: number,
    callbacks: ChannelManagerCallbacks,
    channelDbCipher: number
  ) => Promise<ChannelManager>;
  GetPublicChannelIdentityFromPrivate: (privateKey: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
  IsNicknameValid: (nickname: string) => null;
  GetShareUrlType: (url: string) => PrivacyLevel;
  GetVersion: () => string;
  GetClientVersion: () => string;
  GetOrInitPassword: (password: string) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
  ImportPrivateIdentity: (password: string, privateIdentity: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
  ConstructIdentity: (publicKey: Uint8Array, codesetVersion: number) => Uint8Array;
  DecodePrivateURL: (url: string, password: string) => string;
  DecodePublicURL: (url: string) => string;
  GetChannelJSON: (prettyPrint: string) => Uint8Array;
  NewDummyTrafficManager: (
    cmixId: number,
    maximumOfMessagesPerCycle: number,
    durationToWaitBetweenSendsMilliseconds: number,
    upperBoundIntervalBetweenCyclesMilliseconds: number
  ) => DummyTraffic;
  GetWasmSemanticVersion: () => Uint8Array;
  ValidForever: () => number;

export type Logger = {
  LogToFile: (level: number, maxLogFileSizeBytes: number) => void,
  LogToFileWorker: (
    level: number,
    maxLogFileSizeBytes: number,
    wasmJsPath: string,
    workerName: string
  ) => Promise<void>,
  StopLogging: () => void,
  GetFile: () => Promise<string>,
  Threshold: () => number,
  MaxSize: () => number,
  Size: () => Promise<number>,
  Worker: () => Worker,