// //
// Use of this source code is governed by a license that can be found in the //
//go:build js && wasm

Jono Wenger
// ReceptionIdentity //
// StoreReceptionIdentity stores the given identity in Cmix storage with the
// given key. This is the ideal way to securely store identities, as the caller
// of this function is only required to store the given key separately rather
// than the keying material.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - storage key (string)
// - args[1] - JSON of the [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity] object (Uint8Array)
// - args[2] - ID of Cmix object in tracker (int)
// Returns:
// - throws a TypeError if the identity cannot be stored in storage
func StoreReceptionIdentity(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
identity := CopyBytesToGo(args[1])
err := bindings.StoreReceptionIdentity(
args[0].String(), identity, args[2].Int())
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return nil
// LoadReceptionIdentity loads the given identity in Cmix storage with the given
// key.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - storage key (string)
// - args[1] - ID of Cmix object in tracker (int)
// Returns:
// - JSON of the stored [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity] object (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if the identity cannot be retrieved from storage
func LoadReceptionIdentity(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
ri, err := bindings.LoadReceptionIdentity(args[0].String(), args[1].Int())
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(ri)
// MakeReceptionIdentity generates a new cryptographic identity for receiving
// messages.
// Returns:
// - JSON of the [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity] object (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if creating a new identity fails
func (c *Cmix) MakeReceptionIdentity(js.Value, []js.Value) interface{} {
ri, err := c.api.MakeReceptionIdentity()
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(ri)
// MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity generates the legacy identity for receiving
// messages.
// Returns:
// - JSON of the [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity] object (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if creating a new legacy identity fails
func (c *Cmix) MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity(js.Value, []js.Value) interface{} {
ri, err := c.api.MakeLegacyReceptionIdentity()
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(ri)
// GetReceptionRegistrationValidationSignature returns the signature provided by
// the xx network.
// Returns:
// - signature (Uint8Array)
func (c *Cmix) GetReceptionRegistrationValidationSignature(
js.Value, []js.Value) interface{} {
return CopyBytesToJS(c.api.GetReceptionRegistrationValidationSignature())
// Contact Functions //

Jono Wenger
// GetContactFromReceptionIdentity returns the [contact.Contact] object from the
// [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity].
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - JSON of [xxdk.ReceptionIdentity] (Uint8Array)
// Returns:
// - Marshalled bytes of [contact.Contact] (string)
// - Throws a TypeError if unmarshalling the identity fails
func GetContactFromReceptionIdentity(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
// Note that this function does not appear in normal bindings
identityJSON := CopyBytesToGo(args[0])
identity, err := xxdk.UnmarshalReceptionIdentity(identityJSON)
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(identity.GetContact().Marshal())
// GetIDFromContact returns the ID in the [contact.Contact] object.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - marshalled bytes of [contact.Contact] (string)
// Returns:
// - marshalled [id.ID] object (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if loading the ID from the contact file fails
func GetIDFromContact(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
cID, err := bindings.GetIDFromContact([]byte(args[0].String()))
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(cID)
// GetPubkeyFromContact returns the DH public key in the [contact.Contact]
// object.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - JSON of [contact.Contact] (string)
// Returns:
// - bytes of the [cyclic.Int] object (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if loading the public key from the contact file fails
func GetPubkeyFromContact(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
key, err := bindings.GetPubkeyFromContact([]byte(args[0].String()))
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return CopyBytesToJS(key)
// Fact Functions //
// SetFactsOnContact replaces the facts on the contact with the passed in facts
// pass in empty facts in order to clear the facts.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - JSON of [contact.Contact] (Uint8Array)
// - args[1] - JSON of [fact.FactList] (Uint8Array)
// Returns:
// - marshalled bytes of the modified [contact.Contact] (string)
// - throws a TypeError if loading or modifying the contact fails
func SetFactsOnContact(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
marshaledContact := CopyBytesToGo(args[0])
factListJSON := CopyBytesToGo(args[1])
c, err := bindings.SetFactsOnContact(marshaledContact, factListJSON)
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)
return nil
return c
// GetFactsFromContact returns the fact list in the [contact.Contact] object.
// Parameters:
// - args[0] - JSON of [contact.Contact] (Uint8Array)
// Returns:
// - JSON of [fact.FactList] (Uint8Array)
// - throws a TypeError if loading the contact fails
func GetFactsFromContact(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
fl, err := bindings.GetFactsFromContact(CopyBytesToGo(args[0]))
if err != nil {
Throw(TypeError, err)