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SearchLeftViewModel.swift 13 KiB
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import HUD
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import Retry
import UIKit
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import Models
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import Shared
import Combine
import XXModels
import XXClient
import Countries
import CustomDump
import ReportingFeature
import CombineSchedulers
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import XXMessengerClient
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import DependencyInjection

typealias SearchSnapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<SearchSection, SearchItem>

struct SearchLeftViewState {
    var input = ""
    var snapshot: SearchSnapshot?
    var country: Country = .fromMyPhone()
    var item: SearchSegmentedControl.Item = .username
final class SearchLeftViewModel {
    @Dependency var database: Database
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    @Dependency var messenger: Messenger
    @Dependency var reportingStatus: ReportingStatus
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    @Dependency var toastController: ToastController
    @Dependency var networkMonitor: NetworkMonitoring

    @KeyObject(.username, defaultValue: nil) var username: String?
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    @KeyObject(.sharingEmail, defaultValue: false) var sharingEmail: Bool
    @KeyObject(.sharingPhone, defaultValue: false) var sharingPhone: Bool

    var myId: Data {
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        try! messenger.e2e.get()!.getContact().getId()
    var hudPublisher: AnyPublisher<HUDStatus, Never> {

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    var successPublisher: AnyPublisher<XXModels.Contact, Never> {

    var statePublisher: AnyPublisher<SearchLeftViewState, Never> {

    var backgroundScheduler: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue> =

    var invitation: String?
    private var searchCancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
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    private let successSubject = PassthroughSubject<XXModels.Contact, Never>()
    private let hudSubject = CurrentValueSubject<HUDStatus, Never>(.none)
    private let stateSubject = CurrentValueSubject<SearchLeftViewState, Never>(.init())
    private var networkCancellable = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    init(_ invitation: String? = nil) {
        self.invitation = invitation

    func viewDidAppear() {
        if let pendingInvitation = invitation {
            invitation = nil
            stateSubject.value.input = pendingInvitation

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                .first { $0 == .available }
                .flatMap { _ in
                    self.waitForNodes(timeout: 5)
                }.sink(receiveCompletion: {
                    if case .failure(let error) = $0 {
                        self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(with: error)))
                }, receiveValue: {
                }).store(in: &networkCancellable)

    func didEnterInput(_ string: String) {
        stateSubject.value.input = string

    func didPick(country: Country) { = country

    func didSelectItem(_ item: SearchSegmentedControl.Item) {
        stateSubject.value.item = item

    func didTapCancelSearch() {
        searchCancellables.forEach { $0.cancel() }

    func didStartSearching() {
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        guard stateSubject.value.input.isEmpty == false else { return }

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        var content = stateSubject.value.input
        if stateSubject.value.item == .phone {
            content +=

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        enum NodeRegistrationError: Error {
            case unhealthyNet
            case belowMinimum

        retry(max: 5, retryStrategy: .delay(seconds: 2)) { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            do {
                let nrr = try self.messenger.cMix.get()!.getNodeRegistrationStatus()
                if nrr.ratio < 0.8 { throw NodeRegistrationError.belowMinimum }
            } catch {
                throw NodeRegistrationError.unhealthyNet
        }.finalCatch { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            if case .unhealthyNet = $0 as? NodeRegistrationError {
                self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(content: "Network is not healthy yet, try again within the next minute or so.")))
            } else if case .belowMinimum = $0 as? NodeRegistrationError {
                self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(content: "Node registration ratio is still below 80%, try again within the next minute or so.")))
            } else {
                self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(with: $0)))

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        var factType: FactType = .username

        if stateSubject.value.item == .phone {
            factType = .phone
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        } else if stateSubject.value.item == .email {
            factType = .email
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        backgroundScheduler.schedule { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            do {
                let report = try
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                    params: .init(
                        e2eId: self.messenger.e2e.get()!.getId(),
                        udContact: self.messenger.ud.get()!.getContact(),
                        facts: [.init(type: factType, value: content)]
                    callback: .init(handle: {
                        switch $0 {
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                        case .success(let results):
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                                    id: try! results.first!.getId(),
                                    marshaled: results.first!.data,
                                    username: try! results.first?.getFacts().first(where: { $0.type == .username })?.value,
                                    email: try? results.first?.getFacts().first(where: { $0.type == .email })?.value,
                                    phone: try? results.first?.getFacts().first(where: { $0.type == .phone })?.value,
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                                    nickname: nil,
                                    photo: nil,
                                    authStatus: .stranger,
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                                    isRecent: true,
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                                    isBlocked: false,
                                    isBanned: false,
                                    createdAt: Date()
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                        case .failure(let error):
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                            print(">>> SearchUD error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

                            self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(with: error)))

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                print(">>> UDSearch.Report: \(report))")
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                print(">>> UDSearch.Exception: \(error.localizedDescription)")
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    func didTapResend(contact: XXModels.Contact) {
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        var contact = contact
        contact.authStatus = .requesting

        backgroundScheduler.schedule { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            do {
                try self.database.saveContact(contact)

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                var includedFacts: [Fact] = []
                let myFacts = try self.messenger.ud.get()!.getFacts()

                if let fact = myFacts.get(.username) {

                if self.sharingEmail, let fact = myFacts.get(.email) {

                if self.sharingPhone, let fact = myFacts.get(.phone) {
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                let _ = try self.messenger.e2e.get()!.requestAuthenticatedChannel(
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                    partner: .live(contact.marshaled!),
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                    myFacts: includedFacts

                contact.authStatus = .requested
                contact = try self.database.saveContact(contact)

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                self.presentSuccessToast(for: contact, resent: true)
            } catch {
                contact.authStatus = .requestFailed
                _ = try? self.database.saveContact(contact)
                self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(with: error)))
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    func didTapRequest(contact: XXModels.Contact) {
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        var contact = contact
        contact.nickname = contact.username
        contact.authStatus = .requesting

        backgroundScheduler.schedule { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            do {
                try self.database.saveContact(contact)

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                var includedFacts: [Fact] = []
                let myFacts = try self.messenger.ud.get()!.getFacts()

                if let fact = myFacts.get(.username) {

                if self.sharingEmail, let fact = myFacts.get(.email) {

                if self.sharingPhone, let fact = myFacts.get(.phone) {
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                let _ = try self.messenger.e2e.get()!.requestAuthenticatedChannel(
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                    partner: .live(contact.marshaled!),
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                    myFacts: includedFacts

                contact.authStatus = .requested
                contact = try self.database.saveContact(contact)

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                self.presentSuccessToast(for: contact, resent: false)
            } catch {
                contact.authStatus = .requestFailed
                _ = try? self.database.saveContact(contact)
                self.hudSubject.send(.error(.init(with: error)))
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    func didSet(nickname: String, for contact: XXModels.Contact) {
        if var contact = try? database.fetchContacts(.init(id: [])).first {
            contact.nickname = nickname
            _ = try? database.saveContact(contact)
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    private func appendToLocalSearch(_ user: XXModels.Contact?) {
        var snapshot = SearchSnapshot()

        if var user = user {
            if let contact = try? database.fetchContacts(.init(id: [])).first {
                user.isBanned = contact.isBanned
                user.isBlocked = contact.isBlocked
                user.authStatus = contact.authStatus

            if user.authStatus != .friend, !reportingStatus.isEnabled() {
                snapshot.appendItems([.stranger(user)], toSection: .stranger)
            } else if user.authStatus != .friend, reportingStatus.isEnabled(), !user.isBanned, !user.isBlocked {
                snapshot.appendItems([.stranger(user)], toSection: .stranger)
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        let localsQuery = Contact.Query(
            text: stateSubject.value.input,
            authStatus: [.friend],
            isBlocked: reportingStatus.isEnabled() ? false : nil,
            isBanned: reportingStatus.isEnabled() ? false : nil
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        if let locals = try? database.fetchContacts(localsQuery),
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           let localsWithoutMe = removeMyself(from: locals),
           localsWithoutMe.isEmpty == false {
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                toSection: .connections

        stateSubject.value.snapshot = snapshot
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    private func removeMyself(from collection: [XXModels.Contact]) -> [XXModels.Contact]? {
        collection.filter { $ != myId }
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    private func presentSuccessToast(for contact: XXModels.Contact, resent: Bool) {
        let name = contact.nickname ?? contact.username
        let sentTitle = Localized.Requests.Sent.Toast.sent(name ?? "")
        let resentTitle = Localized.Requests.Sent.Toast.resent(name ?? "")

        toastController.enqueueToast(model: .init(
            title: resent ? resentTitle : sentTitle,
            leftImage: Asset.sharedSuccess.image

    private func waitForNodes(timeout: Int) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
        Deferred {
            Future { promise in
                retry(max: timeout, retryStrategy: .delay(seconds: 1)) { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self else { return }
                    _ = try self.messenger.cMix.get()!.getNodeRegistrationStatus()
                }.finalCatch {