import Models
import Foundation
public typealias SFTPAuthParams = (String, String, String)
public typealias SFTPFetchResult = (Result<RestoreSettings?, Error>) -> Void
public typealias SFTPFetchParams = (SFTPAuthParams, SFTPFetchResult)
public struct SFTPService {
public var isAuthorized: () -> Bool
public var fetch: (SFTPFetchParams) -> Void
public var justAuthenticate: (SFTPAuthParams) -> Void
static var mock = SFTPService(
isAuthorized: {
fetch: { (authParams, completion) in
print("^^^ RestoreSFTP Host: \(authParams.0)")
print("^^^ RestoreSFTP Username: \(authParams.1)")
print("^^^ RestoreSFTP Password: \(authParams.2)")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
backup: .init(id: "ASDF", date: Date.distantPast, size: 100_000_000),
cloudService: .sftp
justAuthenticate: { host, username, password in
// TODO: Store these params on the keychain
/// If it has host/username/password on keychain
/// means its authorized, not that is working
fetch: { (authParams, completion) in
// TODO: Store host/username/password on keychain
justAuthenticate: { host, username, password in
// TODO: Store host/username/password on keychain