
- [XXClient Quick Start Guide](Docs/
- [XXMessengerClient](Docs/
## 🛠 Development
Open `ElixxirDAppsSDK.xcworkspace` in Xcode (≥13.4).
### Project structure
ElixxirDAppsSDK [Xcode Workspace]
├─ elixxir-dapps-sdk-swift [Swift Package]
| ├─ XXClient [Library]
| └─ XXMessengerClient [Library]
└─ Example [Xcode Project]
├─ ExampleApp (iOS) [iOS App Target]
├─ example-app [Swift Package]
| ├─ AppFeature [Library]
| └─ ...
└─ example-app-icon [Swift Package]
├─ ExampleAppIcon [Library]
└─ example-app-icon-export [Executable]
### Build schemes
- Use `exlixxir-dapps-sdk-swift` scheme to build and test the package.
- Use `ExampleApp (iOS)` to build and run the example app.
- Use `example-app` scheme to build and test the example app package with all contained libraries.
- Use `ExampleAppIcon` scheme with macOS target to build and preview the example app icon.
- Use `example-app-icon-export` scheme with macOS target to build and update the example app icon.
- Use other schemes, like `XXClient`, for building and testing individual libraries in isolation.
## 📄 License
Copyright © 2022 xx network SEZC