import { createContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import type { InjectedAccountWithMeta, InjectedExtension, InjectedWindow } from "@polkadot/extension-inject/types";
// import { web3Accounts, web3Enable, web3FromAddress, web3AccountsSubscribe, web3EnablePromise, isWeb3Injected } from "@polkadot/extension-dapp";
import { getWallets, isWalletInstalled } from "@talismn/connect-wallets";
actingAccountIdx: number;
setActingAccountIdx: (idx: number) => void;
setActingAccountByAddress: (address: string) => void;
export const PolkadotExtensionContext =
createContext<PolkadotExtensionContextType>({} as PolkadotExtensionContextType);
export const PolkadotExtensionProvider = ( props ) => {
const [ initialized, setInitialized ] = useState<boolean>( false )
const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState<InjectedAccountWithMeta[]>([]);
const [actingAccountIdx, setActingAccountIdx] = useState<number>(0);
const [isWeb3Injected, setIsWeb3Injected] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [injector, setInjector] = useState<InjectedExtension>();
const setActingAccountByAddress = (address: string) => {
setActingAccountIdx( accounts?.findIndex( account => account.address === address ) )
// const { web3Accounts, web3Enable, web3FromAddress, web3AccountsSubscribe, web3EnablePromise, isWeb3Injected, } = await import(
// "@polkadot/extension-dapp"
// );
// setIsWeb3Injected( isWeb3Injected )
// // returns an array of all the injected sources
// // (this needs to be called first, before other requests)
if (typeof window !== "undefined" ) {
const installedWallets = getWallets().filter(wallet => wallet.installed)
const firstWallet = installedWallets[0]
// enable the wallet
if (firstWallet) {
try {
await firstWallet.enable( "nextjs connect" )
if ( ! isWeb3Injected ) {
const unsubscribe = await firstWallet.subscribeAccounts((allAccounts: WalletAccount[]) => {
console.log("got accounts via talisman connect", allAccounts)
setAccounts( allAccounts )
setActingAccountIdx( 0 )
setIsWeb3Injected( true )
} catch (error) {
console.log( error )
// if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
// const { web3Accounts, web3Enable, web3FromAddress, web3AccountsSubscribe, web3EnablePromise, isWeb3Injected, } = await import(
// "@polkadot/extension-dapp"
// );
// const wallets = await web3Enable('nextjs connect');
// const unsubscribe = await web3AccountsSubscribe((accounts: InjectedAccountWithMeta[]) => {
// setAccounts(accounts)
// console.log("got accounts via polkadot extension", accounts)
// })
// console.log("got accounts via polkadot extension", accounts)
// const installedWallets = getWallets().filter(wallet => wallet.installed)
// const firstWallet = installedWallets[0]
// // enable the wallet
// if (firstWallet) {
// try {
// await firstWallet.enable( "next js connect" )
// const unsubscribe = await firstWallet.subscribeAccounts((accounts: WalletAccount[]) => {
// console.log("got accounts via talisman connect", accounts)
// });
// } catch (error) {
// console.log( error )
// }
// }
// }
// if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
// const installedWallets = getWallets().filter(wallet => wallet.installed)
// console.log( 'installedWallets', installedWallets )
// // get talisman from the array of installed wallets
// const firstWallet = installedWallets.find(wallet => wallet.extensionName === 'polkadot-js')
// // enable the wallet
// if (firstWallet) {
// firstWallet.enable("nextjs connect").then(() => {
// firstWallet.subscribeAccounts((accounts) => {
// // do anything you want with the accounts provided by the wallet
// console.log("got accounts via polkadot extension", accounts)
// })
// })
// }
// }
// if ( ! isEqual ( accounts, allAccounts ) ) {
// setAccounts( allAccounts )
// }
// // we can use web3FromSource which will return an InjectedExtension type
// if ( allAccounts.length > 0 ) {
// // finds an injector for an address
// const injector = await web3FromAddress(allAccounts[0].address);
// setInjector( injector )
// }
<PolkadotExtensionContext.Provider value={ {
} }>