Keith Millette authoredKeith Millette authored
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xx network Documentation
This documentation aims to help those interested in xx network to understand the core concepts of xx network, its blockchain (xxChain) and its communication layer (cMixx). This site also provides deep dives into advanced topics, end-user tools, 3rd party dApps and tutorials.
:::warning Disclaimer This site includes years of documentation from multiple sources, some of which may not represent the current state of things and may require changes and/or additions. These documents are a work-in-progress and are continually evolving. :::
Getting started
If you are unfamiliar with the xx network start with the ...
- Intro to xx network - An overview of the xx network
- xxChain - xxChain specific documentation.
- cMixx - cMixx specific documentation.
- Tools - End-user documentation. (Explorers, Wallets, Staking, Etc.)
- dApps - 3rd Party dApps and Use-cases
:::info How to Contribute xx network is a decentralized and open-source project, and we have plans to allow others to submit changes, additions, and corrections via GitLab or GitHub. Please check back again later if you wish to contribute! :::